Changing short names

Using CaseMap's default short name ensures consistency and reduces confusion for identifying short names. There are times when changing a short name is necessary, such as when it conflicts with a common word or there is another valid reason.

If you need to change a short name for one that is more recognizable, you can do so at any time. Changing a short name does not impact existing links made with the current or previous short name entry. Once these links are set, CaseMap maintains them for you.


Valid reasons to change short names include:

Avoiding use of a short name that is also a common word
Avoiding confusion when several people have the last same name and first initial
Using a recognized nickname or moniker for a crucial object, as opposed to the default option
Adding a shorter name that requires less key strokes for data entry




Once you change a short name, the new entry is immediately visible to all users in the case and must be understood and accepted as the new short name. Ensure that all case users are notified of the upcoming change beforehand to reduce any confusion.


hmtoggle_plus1To review examples of changing short names

Example: Sarah Day = DayS

This short name is not acceptable because CaseMap reads the entry as "days" and ignores it during a search. In this instance, you will want to change the short name to "DaySa" or something similar.

Example: OJ

Full Name: Orenthal James Simpson

Default Short Name: SimpsonO

Modified Short Name: OJ

Using Simpson's moniker of OJ is both commonly identifiable and reduces five key strokes during data entry.

hmtoggle_plus1To review tips for changing short names
If you have a class action law suit with 50 people named John Smith, the best way to differentiate them is to add the last four digits of their social security numbers to the short name. If there's only a few people with the same name, using state abbreviations may be enough (if there are no state conflicts).
If a case involves several family members with the same name or initials, we suggest you use first names to identify them: SmithBarb, SmithBob, SmithBridg.
If a crucial object has a recognized nickname, use it as the object's short name based on the 80-20 rule that 20 percent of the witnesses, documents, and other objects in a case will generate 80 percent of the facts and questions.
hmtoggle_plus1To change a short name
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click the spreadsheet icon for the spreadsheet you want to use (like Persons).
2.Click in the cell for the short name entry you want to change.
3.In the Short Name field, highlight the short name entry and press Delete.
4.In the Short Name field, type the new short name and then click out of the cell.

The new short name is now changed in every instance where the former short name displayed in the case.


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