About short names

Short names are unique names created by CaseMap for each object entered in a case and are what make linking case data possible. CaseMap automatically creates short names from the Full Name field entry. When you type using short names, CaseMap automatically identifies text that already has a short name created for it and links the object short name with case information (documents, facts, questions, research, and issues). When using short names, CaseMap automatically does a significant amount of the linking for you.

You can create your own object short names or modify CaseMap's default short names as needed. Fields that store short names and link to other case information are Description (10,000 character) fields, identified by the chain link icon in the field header.



Using short names is not required; you can enter data without using short names. However, not using short names limits the power of CaseMap's primary feature: linking and connecting case knowledge elements between spreadsheets. This feature is what allows you to search and view data in various ways at a moment's notice so you can locate essential information and create reports that shape and support your case strategy.



Once all short names are entered into a case, run a report on the short names and distribute it to case staff so they can familiarize themselves with parties involved in the case and reference the sheet for correct short names.


hmtoggle_plus1Use short names to save data entry time

Using short names for data entry expedites the process by reducing keystrokes. Type the first three letters of a short name (not case sensitive) then press Enter. The unique short name is entered into a description field and replaces the object's full name as you tab into a new cell on a spreadsheet.

hmtoggle_plus1Use short names to ensure consistency

Short names also ensure spelling and linking accuracy. As you type new information into a case, short name entries are automatically identified and links are set connecting the new information to all applicable short name entries. Short name for Persons default to the last name and first initial. You can also customize short names rather than using the default entry. By using short names in this way, case information is properly linked for case analysis and reporting needs.

Short names also help eliminate misspellings or multiple spellings, especially useful for consistently identifying parties involved in the case. For example, if a person's name is entered into a case with multiple spellings or misspellings, CaseMap creates multiple records and short names for the same person. This situation may cause linking issues. To resolve this short names need to be merged into one record on the Persons spreadsheet and verification needs to occur to ensure that all case information links also transferred during this process.



If you can't remember an object's short name, right-click in an empty part of the cell and click Link Assistant or start typing the first letters of what you think the short name entry might be. The Link Assistant will automatically provide suggestions based on the first few key strokes or will provide a listing of all objects for you to select the right match.


For more information, see the Merging short names and Using the Link Assistant help topics.

hmtoggle_plus1Understand short name rules and conventions

Using short names brings consistency to your case information. Short names are unique identifiers created by CaseMap based on the object's Full Name entry and can vary depending on whether it is a person, organizations or documents. Without short names, it's easy to enter multiple names or records for the same person, organization, or document.

Reference the following table for an overview of how short names work in CaseMap.

Short Name Considerations




CaseMap removes all instances of "The", spaces, and commas. Each remaining word is capitalized.


The maximum character limit is 30 characters with no punctuation or spaces (hyphens and dashes count as characters).


Never use brackets as they block out CaseMap's recognition of short names.


Each short name must be unique.


Short names (by default) always display in description fields as underlined with blue dashes to verify that the object is recognized by CaseMap. You can modify short name display by clicking Object Display Options on the View menu.


Object short names display in a cell when editing content, then CaseMap reverts to full name display when you move to another cell.

Data Entry

You can ignore using capitalization during data entry. CaseMap identifies short names with or without capital letters.


CaseMap creates a person's short name with the last name followed by the first initial. For example, Philip Hawkin's short name is HawkinsP. When customizing short names avoid using common words, e.g. "TO" for Tom Oliver instead of OliverT or OliverTed.


CaseMap removes titles, ignores middle initials, and eliminates all naming distinctions, such as Jr., Sr., II, etc.


CaseMap removes all instances of "The" and "Inc.".


If the organization's name is two words or less, CaseMap combines the words into one and trims it to 30 characters or less.


If the name is three words or more, CaseMap reduces it to initials or an acronym.


CaseMap uses the initial Bates number of the document as the default short name. It copies this values from the Bates - Begin field.


For documents without Bates numbers, CaseMap creates a short name based on the full name entry up to 30 characters.


Full names automatically replace short names when printing. The blue underline does not display on reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Review examples of short names

A case involving a defendant named Ridge Medical Center could be entered as an object into a case multiple times by different users (Ridge, Ridge Medical, Ridge Medical Center). Staff users could accidentally create multiple object records for the same defendant by entering various spelling, or possible misspellings, for one organization's name. Case data could then be linked to three object entries for one organization. This complicates your case information integrity and makes sorting/filtering data accurately a problem.

Using a short name, like RMC, in reference to the defendant helps minimize these issues by providing an easily identifiable name that can be adopted quickly by all case users. Using RMC as the short name also ensures that you will not miss critical fact information when you filter a chronology of facts for this defendant.

Reference the following table to see how CaseMap creates default short names for different object types based off the Full Name field entry.

Short Name Examples

Object Type

Full Name

Short Name


Philip Hawkins



Col. David R. Onofrey, III, Esq.



The Widget Works, Inc.



Anstar Biotech Industries



Document P001232



Deposition of Linda Collins



HR notes re Castle Grande




You can modify the default short names applied by CaseMap, at any time and as often as you want. For example, you may want to shorten a deposition's default short name to "DepoCollins" as opposed to "DepositionOfLindaCollins".


hmtoggle_plus1Automate linking of case information using short names

Links within a case are the pivotal means of connecting information elements so you can view, sort, filter data connections at any time, in the manner that you need it. Using object short names automates this process, eliminating the need to manually link key information together. Short name linking works in any spreadsheet's Description field (identified by a chain link icon), and list or detail dialog boxes. The three most important Descriptions fields in CaseMap are the Fact Text field, Source(s) field, and the Question Text field.

If a case witness, Linda Collins, is mentioned in 150 facts using the short name of CollinsL for information entered regarding her, then her short name is automatically linked to fact records in the Facts spreadsheet and any records where her name appears in an object spreadsheet. Once the links exist, you can display a list of the facts related to Linda Collins any time you want.

Example of short name linking:

Fact Text: CollinsL worked for ABI from 1991-2003.

In this instance, CaseMap created two links for Linda Collins. Her name is linked to the Fact Text field on the Facts spreadsheet. And she is also linked to the organization, Anstar Biotech Industries, in the Organization spreadsheet.



Use caution when deleting short names. If you delete a short name from a field, CaseMap immediately deletes it from all spreadsheets and displays "deleted object" where it previously appeared. Any links associated with a deleted short name are lost. To restore your links, you need to recreate the object's short name and reset all links manually by using Edit > Find and Edit > Replace on every spreadsheet where the deleted object might have been added. You could also restore the case from the previous day's backup file, which means you may risk losing some case updates applied since the backup occurred.


For more information, see the Changing short names help topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the Short Name Checklist to save planning time

Reference the Short Names Checklist to ensure that you are minimizing any possible data impacts that could be related to short name linking.

Checklist: Short Names




Developing a Case of Characters


Have you developed a Cast of Characters for all objects, primarily people, and organizations?


Naming Conventions


Do you have file naming conventions in place for all electronic and digital file types?


Do you have document naming conventions in place? Have you determined how emails, documents, letters, proceedings, and other documentation materials will be named with a short name?


Have you determined how to manage documents with Bates numbering applied? Will you use Bates numbers as short names for these documents?


Have you noted any people that have identical names or where the short names become identical? Did you find a way to differentiate between them using numbers, using full first names following a last name, or the last four digits of a SSN, etc.?


Have you located any duplicate people entries? Were you able to merge them keeping any data linking in tact?

* See the Merging short names help topic for details.


Did you locate any short names that might spell a common word, like “to” or “the”?

* Short names that are also common words will be overlooked in a search. We recommend that you manually modify the short name entries to avoid this.


Have you determined whether a short name should be created for a group of people, as opposed to one individual?

* This is useful to identify a group or organization involved in a matter, when individuals’ names are less of an issue.


After you bulk import a set documents into a case, did you remember to run the Short Name Assistant utility?

* We recommend you run this utility after every bulk import of documents to ensure that any unlinked objects are identified and can be repaired. See the Using the Short name Assistant section for details.


Educating Case Users


Do case users understand the importance of and how to use short names when working in a case? Or is this task restricted to certain staff?


Have you determined any guidelines for how case staff will enter new short names on the fly during case analysis?


Did you give case staff a short names reference listing?

* See the Hiding Documents when Printing section for details.


If you have a new short name entry (person or organization) once case analysis has started, do you have process in place for notifying case staff?



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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