Importing the Intake Interview Form

Once the Intake Interview Form is completed by you or the client, importing the content back into the case is easily following the steps in the Intake Interview Jumpstart Wizard.

Remember to search/replace full names with short names in some of the templates table columns before you import it into the case. For more information, see To search/replace full names in the template before the import.

When you import the Intake Interview Jumpstart form, CaseMap automatically creates a ReportBook of the imported information for you. When you complete the import wizard, a message box indicates that the ReportBook is created and available for to preview. The ReportBook also contains additional fields, like Key and Potential Source(s) so clients can provide more information or check the report for errors. You can save the ReportBook to a Reports folder on your network for reference purposes.



Importing Intake Interview Forms that have the same objects identified may cause duplicate fact and object entries. Review intake forms before an import to isolate data that can be manually entered in the case. Or review the Facts and objects spreadsheets and delete or merge duplicate entries as needed. You will want to make note in the case where the source of the information came from.


hmtoggle_plus1To search/replace full names in the template before the import

In order for linking to automatically generate for information imported from the Intake Interview Jumpstart form, you should replace the full names with short names in the Description of Persons, Description of Organizations, Description of Event columns in form tables before the import process. Otherwise, you will want to find/replace full names with short names in Role in Case fields in both the Persons and Organizations spreadsheets, and the Fact Text field of the Facts spreadsheet after the import.

We strongly recommend that you review and edit names in the template before you import the information since it is faster to search/replace content there than searching individual fields in each CaseMap spreadsheet.



Do not search/replace full names with short names in the Name of Persons or Name of Organization columns in the Intake Interview Jumpstart form. CaseMap automatically creates short names from these template entries.



hmtoggle_plus1To import the Intake Interview Form
1.In Microsoft Word, open the Intake Interview Form.

The Intake Interview Form must be open in Word before the import can occur.

2.Minimize the Word window and return to the case in CaseMap.
3.On the Tools menu, click Intake Interview Jumpstart.
4.When the Intake Interview Jumpstart wizard launches, click Next.
5.In the What do you want to do? box, select Import completed Intake Interview Form, then click Next.
6.In the Prepare for Intake Interview import box, click Next.
7.In the Select the Intake Interview Form box, select the form name you want to import in the Documents Open in Microsoft Word list, then click Next.

Intake Interview Jumpstart wizard import box

8.In the Choose date format and start import box, click the date format you want to use or keep the default date format of m/d/yy in the Date Format list.

If dates are not entered in the template correctly, a message box displays asking you to fix them according to the format selected in the import wizard.

9.Click Finish to initiate the import process.

When the import is complete, a message box displays stating that the import was successful and notes how many forms you can still import into the case.

10.Click OK to continue.
11.Another message box displays asking if you want to view the ReportBook that CaseMap created for this intake form, click Yes or No to preview the report.

The ReportBook is a copy of the intake form that you can print to a PDF file and save to the network folder where you store reports so it can be referenced later.

12.Return to the case to review the imported data by clicking on the Facts, All Objects, Persons, and Documents spreadsheets.

As you click on each spreadsheet, notice how the number count updates next to the spreadsheet icon in the Case Shortcuts pane. The Source(s) field in the Facts spreadsheet notes the Intake Interview Form as the origin for imported fact records. Also notice that short names were automatically created in object spreadsheets and the Role in Case description fields are populated with data that the client entered.



Verify that all data imported correctly into each spreadsheet in the case. A case user may need to be assigned to this task and search/replace spreadsheet field data that may not have imported correctly.



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