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LexisNexis® Digital Library: FAQs


Can I read LexisNexis Digital Library eBooks offline?

Yes, with the LexisNexis Digital Library app, you can read downloaded ebooks easily while offline. Just download the app on your phone or tablet from either the Google Play store or the Apple® App Store. Learn more here.

What browsers are compatible with the LexisNexis Digital Library?

The LexisNexis Digital Library is compatible with the latest versions of Google, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge.

How many copies of an eBook can be read at the same time by multiple users?

To total number of copies available to read is based on the number currently on subscription by your organization. Your library will determine the number of title available at a time and can opt for full access to all library titles without license circulation constraints.

Will highlights and notations stay with the eBook?

Your personal annotations are easily available within the eBook or on the My Annotations page in the digital library platform. Learn more about the annotations features here.

Can sections by copied and pasted into other documents?

Overdrive Read allows for highlighting a section to copy with citation. The annotation feature also allows for a copy or export of selected highlights and notes with citation to be incorporated into your work. Learn more about annotation features here.

Can I access prior releases of eBooks?

In the LexisNexis Digital Library, when a title has been updated, the previous version of the title is archived as a "Prior Release." When reading a title, you are reading the current version but can also view the previous version(s) dating back to the library go-live date.

Are there alerts or notifications available for updates of new titles?

Your LexisNexis client manager will share updates via email. For a listing of new titles, click New eBooks from LexisNexis. This link is also located on the Lexis Print & Digital Solutions page under the Latest Titles and Releases tab. Individual title descriptions will list the last date the eBook was updated.

Will we have access to the table of contents?

Yes, on the title details page you will be able to view the table of contents in addition to title description, title information and be able to search terms within the title or multivolume set all before you open the eBook.  You can use the TOC to open to a specific section of the book with just one click.