About TextMap ribbon and toolbar buttons

TextMap has a Quick Access toolbar that you can customize to display which buttons you use most frequently. By default, the toolbar displays the most commonly used buttons. Place your mouse pointer over each button to view its name.

Click on the More Buttons More Button icon at the far right of the toolbar to view a listing of all available buttons. Select a button in the button list to add or remove a button to or from the toolbar. All checked buttons in the list display on the toolbar.

TextMap Quick Access Toolbar

The toolbar submenu allows you to determine which toolbar/ribbons are displayed in TextMap, and customize the Quick Access toolbar, to include customizing ribbons and keyboard shortcuts using the Customize dialog box.

To reset the toolbar to its original default view, click on the More Buttons icon xm_more_button to view the toolbar menu, and then select Reset at the bottom of the Ribbon Customization dialog box.

Standard toolbar menu

hmtoggle_plus1Quick Access toolbar buttons

TextMap Quick Access Toolbar

Reference the following table for a listing of the Quick Access toolbar buttons and descriptions.



Placing your pointer over an icon (i.e., Import Transcript) within the application provides a brief description/use of the selected icon.


Quick Access Toolbar Buttons




Copy Seelction

Copy Selection

Use the Copy Selection button to copy text from a transcript to paste into a text file or another application.

Copy with Page Line icon

Copy with Page:Line

Use the  Copy w/ Page:Line button to copy text or text from a transcript with page/line numbers included.

Copy Annotation icon

Copy Annotations

Use the Copy Annotations button to copy the contents of the selected annotation.

Print button


Use the Print button to print transcripts, annotations, notes, and the case index to the default printer.

Print Preview button

Print Preview

Use the Print Preview button to view the print preview of transcripts, annotations, notes, and the case index.

Print to PDF (File)

Print to PDF (File)

Use the Print to PDF (File) button to print transcripts, annotations, and notes to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Opens the Save As PDF dialog box and allows you to save the PDF file to a local or network directory.

Print to PDF button

Print to PDF (Email)

Use the Print to PDF (Email) button to compile a PDF and then opens the default email application so you can save the PDF file as an e-mail attachment.


Import Transcript

Use the Import Transcript button to select one or more transcripts to be imported in to the case.

Export Transcript

Export Transcript

Use the Export Transcript button to select one or more transcripts, along with annotations and linked exhibits to be exported.

Play Video button

Play Video

Use the Play Video button to play the video associated with the selected transcript. Clicking the Play Video button opens the Exhibits and Video pane in the Navigation pane, and the video is displayed in the Video pane. The Play Video button is only active when the selected transcript contains a video file.

New Case button

New Local Case

Use the New Case button to open the New Case Wizard for adding a new local TextMap case.

Open Local Case button

Open Local Case

Use the Open Local Case button to open a dialog box for selecting and opening a local case in TextMap.

Print to Microsoft Word button

Print to Microsoft Word

Use the Print to Microsoft Word button to print transcript annotations and notes to a Microsoft Word file.

Send Fact to CaseMap button

Send Fact to CaseMap

Use the Send Fact to CaseMap button to send the selected text in a transcript to CaseMap. Before you can send a fact to CaseMap, the case must be opened in CaseMap.

xm_goto_previous_zoom85  and Go to Next Hit

Go to Prior Hit and Next Hit

Use the Go to Prior Hit and Next Hit buttons to navigate search hits in your transcript.

Go To First  and Go To Last

Go to First and Go to Last

Use the Go to First Hit and Go to Last Hit buttons to navigate search hits in your transcript.

Realtime button


Use the Realtime button to open CaseViewNet. CaseViewNet is a free transcript viewer made by Stenograph, LLC.

Case Issues

Case Issues

Use the Case Issues button to create, delete, and/or import issues associated with the case.

Add New Annotation

New Annotation

Use the Export to iPad button to export case issues, transcripts, annotations, and linked exhibits to an Apple iPad.

Edit Annotation icon

Edit Annotation

Use the Edit Annotation button to edit the selected annotation.

Move Annotation icon

Move Annotation

Use the Move Annotation button to move the selected annotation to a new location within the transcript.

Delete Annotation icon

Delete Annotation

Use the Delete Annotation button to select an option to delete a single or all annotations from the transcript.

New Fact icon

New Fact

Use the New Fact button to create a new fact record in CaseMap.

Full Text Search Button

Full Text Search

Use the Send Fact to CaseMap button to send the selected text in a transcript to CaseMap. Before you can send a fact to CaseMap, the case must be opened in CaseMap

Page Setup Button

Page Setup

Use the Page Setup button to adjust paper size, orientation, printer source, and report scaling options before printing reports and other materials.

Find Button


Use the Find feature to search case content. You can also replace text if you need to change the spelling of a word in your case.

Close Transcript icon


Use the Close button to close and exit the current transcript.












related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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