About sorting

Sorting determines the order that case elements display in pane views, allowing you to review information in various ways to determine what items need to be addressed first or categorized based on the status of items. Sorting is distinct to each user ID and does not affect the view that others see for this spreadsheet.

Transcripts can be sorted in alphabetical order by name, or by transcript or import date/time. TextMap saves the sort order last used when you re-open the case.


You can sort data in the following places:

Transcripts pane — Sort transcripts or transcripts groups alphabetically by name or by the transcript's date/time, or by the import date.
Annotations pane — Sort by columns in the Annotations pane by Source, Note, Linked Issue, Linked Fact, Text,  Created By, and Creation Time Stamp.



Sorting is independent of any filter function. If you filter transcripts or annotations, they are still sorted as specified by the view's sort order.


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