About backups

Case data is valuable and performing regular backups ensures that your data is safe and retrievable in case of an emergent event.


When you open your case file, Sanction creates a backup so that if your case file is accidentally deleted or becomes corrupt, you can continue working on the case by using the backup copy. The backup case file is saved alongside the case file in the same folder.


The backup copy is named the same as the case file, but with the hour and minute of the last backup, formatted as .MMDDYYYY, appended to the case name. For example, a case named Hawkins V Anstar.lns5 might have a backup file named Hawkins V Anstar.02282018._1020.bak.


Note that only the case file itself is backed up in this way; exhibit files, transcripts, and media elements of the case are not backed up.


Backup settings are set in Sanction Options. See Customizing case options for more information.



To restore your case from the backup file it is critical that you rename the backup file to the same name as the original case file. Then you can restart the case using the renamed backup file. If you open the backup file without renaming it first, Sanction will be unable to establish links to the case items.


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