Search for Case Items

You can find items in your case by running searches based on the following item properties:

Item name
Exhibit number
Trial number
Bates number
Admit date or date range
Transcript date or date range

You can also the text of a transcript. For more information, see: Searching Transcript Text.

hmtoggle_plus1To find items by item properties
1.On the HOME tab, click Find Items.


Dialog box for searching case item properties

2.Construct your search by property or by date using options as needed.


These options are listed as follows:

Search type

Description of options

Search by property

Available properties:

Exhibit Number
Trial Number
Bates Number



Search by date

Available date fields:

Admit date
Transcript date

Date types:

Specific date
On or before
On or after
3.Click OK.

The search results are listed.


4.Do either of the following:
Double click the item to open it.
Click New Search, which opens the search dialog box again.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics

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