About Shepard's Signals

CaseMap integrates with the Shepard's Citations Service, a LexisNexis service that provides a comprehensive case citation and treatment history to verify the validity of case law, statutes, agency opinions, and other legal documents.

CaseMap's Research - Authorities spreadsheets provide an automatic look-up for Shepard's signals for case law citations when a case is opened. The Shepard's signal status displays for each case law citation in the Authorities spreadsheet.


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Shepardizing™ is the practice of using the Sherpard's Citations Service to validate a citation.

When you Shepardize® a case, LexisNexis provides a report showing every opinion where that case has been referenced, all treatments of the case, and whether the case is "good law". If the case has been overruled, it is considered "bad law" and may no longer be cited as a legal precedent.

To learn more about Shepard's Citations Service, visit www.lexisnexis.com or contact your LexisNexis Sales Representative.

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Reference the following table for see an icon and description of each Shepard's Signal indicating the status of your case or statute as treated  by other cases (your Cited Case or Cited Statute).

Shepard's Signals




Warning. Negative treatment indicated.

Includes the following analyses: Overruled by, Superceded by, Revoked, Obsolete, Rescinded


Warning: Negative case treatment is indicated for statue.

Includes the following analysis: Unconstitutional, Void, Invalid


Questioned: Validity questioned by citing references.

Includes the analyses: Questioned by


Caution: Possible negative treatment indicated.

Includes the following analyses: Limited, Criticized by, Clarified, Modified, Corrected


Positive: Positive treatment indicated.

Includes the following analyses: Followed, Affirmed, Approved


Citing References with Analyses: Other cases cited the case and assigned some analysis that is not considered positive or negative.


Citation Information: References have not applied any analysis to the citation. For example, the case was cited by case law or law reviews that do not warrant an analysis.

Includes the analyses: Cited by


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