About research

CaseMap has three research spreadsheets that store authority and extract data from Lexis Advance or other case law web sites. When you are gathering research from a web site, you can import the authorities and extracts directly into a case's research spreadsheets, setting a link from the research record to the web page where the content resides. You can also manually enter data in research spreadsheets and then attach source files (stored in a network folder) directly to the corresponding spreadsheet record.


Research spreadsheets include:

Authorities: Track and organize your authorities by type and jurisdiction, and link the research directly to issues to support your case strategy.
Extracts from Authorities: Track and organize extracts by entering summary descriptions and notes needed to track its relevance to the case.
Authorities and Extracts: A split-screen view of both spreadsheets where you can view an authority and its associated extracts.




Attachments linked from Lexis Advance using the Send to CaseMap tool may be compromised when web site data is updated or refreshed. Additionally, links to web sites only reference the page you mark. The link does not return you to the excerpt of the authority you located.


We strongly recommend that any authorities included in your case are first saved as Adobe® Acrobat PDF files. You can store these files in network folders and attach the source file to the research record in the Research Authorities spreadsheet. You can then highlight extracts in the PDF file and send the data to the Research Extracts and Authorities spreadsheet.



hmtoggle_plus1Use Shepard's Citation Service to validate authorities

CaseMap integrates with the Shepard's Citations Service, a LexisNexis service that provides a comprehensive case citation and treatment history to verify the validity of case law, statutes, agency opinions, and other legal documents.

CaseMap's Research - Authorities spreadsheets provide an automatic look-up for Shepard's signals for case law citations when a case is opened. The Shepard's signal status displays for each case law citation in the Authorities spreadsheet.

For more information, see About Shepard's Signals.

hmtoggle_plus1Conduct online case law research directly from CaseMap

CaseMap has convenient access to LexisNexis' integrated legal research tools built into case spreadsheets and toolbars so you can access information you need for case discovery and analysis. Access to LexisNexis online research depends on whether you have subscribed to these services, such as Lexis Advance®, and others.

For more information, see About online research.


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