Creating replica cases

The Create Replica Wizard guides you through the process of creating a replica so a user can take a case copy and work offline. Changes made in the replica can be synchronized with the master case when the user is finished working in it.

All case replica names (local and SQL versions) must be unique. Creating a replica copy of a CaseMap case is an exclusive process. Case staff cannot access the master case during this process.

If the master case has document files linked to other applications (like Concordance or TextMap, etc.), they cannot be copied into the replica and a message box indicates the number of files excluded in the replica.



If you are working with SQL cases, the replication process is nearly identical to creating a replica of a local case. Synchronization of all replicas with the master case is done in the CaseMap client application.



For information on how to create a SQL case replicas in the CaseMap Admin Console, to your CaseMap Server documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1To create a case replica
1.In CaseMap, open the case for which you want to make a replica.
2.On the File tab, click Synchronize.
3.On the Synchronize page, click the Case Replica drop down, and then click Create Replica.
4.In the Do you want to work offline on this computer? dialog box, choose where you want to save the replica.

Why are you creating this replica? dialog box

Click Yes to save a replica to the computer you are using so that document links are retained.
Click No to save the replica to any network folder or USB drive. Linked documents will not be copied.
5.In the Comments field, type in a description for the replica for tracking purposes, then click Next.
6.In the Do you want to have offline access to your linked files? dialog box, choose whether you want access to linked documents while working in the replica.

Offline Access to Case Documents dialog box

Click Yes and then click Browse to navigate to the folder destination where you want to store the linked files.
Click No if you don't want to access the linked documents.



If you have files linked to other applications (like Concordance or TextMap, etc.), they cannot be copied into the replica and you will be notified of the number of files excluded.


7.Click Next.
8.Review the number of linked documents that were copied to the desktop and note how many may not have been copied if linked to other applications.
9.Select the Show me detailed information on the linked files when I click Next check box in order to view the information.
10.In the Linked Files Not Supported dialog box, review the excluded files listed, then click Next.
11.In the Linked Files to Copy dialog box, review the destination folder location for the files that will be copied, then click Next.
12.In the Specify file name and file location for the replica dialog box, type in a name for the replica.
13.Click Browse to select the destination folder for the replica, then click Next.
14.Click Finish when the process completes and to open the master case.

In the location where you stored the replica, you should now see the replica.

14.In the Case Log On [Master] dialog box, click OK.

Note that the master case displays [Master] in the case name.

The replica case is now ready for use. When the replica is opened, it will display [Replica] in the case name.


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