Nexis® for Financial Services

Monitor and analyze markets, gather competitor intelligence and check investments and investors against potential regulatory or legislative risk—quickly and easily.

Dig past the stock price and dig into market insights with these benefits

Enriched marketplace data

Rely on a diverse set of content for your investment research projects. All data is classified by topic, industry, location, people, company and other tags with our proprietary LexisNexis® SmartIndexing Technology, making it easy to search, sort and use.

Visualized trends & alerts

In just a few clicks, you can investigate a broad dataset as well as visualize marketplace trends regarding the people and companies connected to your topical searches. You can also set alerts on any searchable entity and receive notifications when new data is available.

Get search results in seconds

Enter a search term or phrase and see split-second results from an array of content sources to reveal:

Drill down & interact with your search results

View results in an interactive chart view to quickly uncover companies and people mentioned. You can then click on the charts to dig deeper and further refine your search.

Shareable insights & analytics 

Export your search results into an analytics dashboard for fast analysis where you can investigate, visualize and share critical findings with collaborators. 

Start Searching with Nexis Today.

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Nexis Solutions Product Suite

Explore how our solutions provide the exact information you need to make strategic decisions, uncover new opportunities, surpass the competition and protect your reputation.

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