Opposition Research

Conduct opposition research to gain a better idea of the landscape in which you’re competing – and how you can come out on top. 

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What is opposition research?  

Opposition research, also known as competitive intelligence, is the process of gathering information about an opposing individual, organization, or political entity to gain insights into their strategies, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses.  

Why should you conduct opposition research?   

Opposition research is typically conducted to gain a competitive advantage by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of opponents. It allows organizations to anticipate and counteract potential threats, devise effective marketing or political campaigns, and make informed decisions.  

Common methods of opposition research 

Opposition research involves various methods to collect information, including:  

  • Public records: Examining publicly available documents, such as court records, financial statements, or regulatory filings. 
  • Media analysis: Monitoring news articles, interviews, social media posts, and other media coverage related to the opposition.
  • Investigative techniques: Conducting interviews, surveys, and undercover operations to gather additional insights.
  • Online research: Exploring websites, blogs, forums, and social media profiles for relevant information. 

Ethical considerations of opposition research 

While opposition research is a legitimate practice, it is important to adhere to ethical guidelines. The collection of information should comply with applicable laws and regulations, respect privacy rights, and avoid engaging in illegal or unethical activities.  

Benefits of opposition research 

Opposition research provides many benefits to businesses, including: 

  • Strategic advantage: By understanding the opposition's strategies, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities, organizations can develop effective countermeasures and gain a competitive edge.
  • Informed decision making: Insights gained from opposition research enable organizations to make informed decisions in areas such as marketing, product development, or political campaigns. 
  • Risk mitigation: Identifying potential risks and threats in advance allows organizations to develop proactive strategies to mitigate those risks and protect their interests.  

What are the drawbacks of opposition research? 

Opposition is not without its challenges and drawbacks, including:  

  • Source credibility: Assessing the credibility and reliability of information sources is crucial to ensure the accuracy of research findings.
  • Information overload: The abundance of available information requires effective filtering and analysis to extract relevant and actionable insights.
  • Ethical boundaries: Balancing the pursuit of information with ethical considerations and legal boundaries can be complex and requires responsible conduct. 

How LexisNexis supports opposition research 

LexisNexis offers solutions to streamline your opposition research with verifiable and accurate information. With Nexis® Research Solutions, you can explore relevant data in easy-to-filter formats, so you have a more direct path to profound insights and informed conclusions. Access over 36,000 licensed sources and 45,000 total resources in over 37 different languages for complete data.  

Furthermore, LexisNexis provides monitoring and alert services that notify you of any new developments related to your opposition. You can set up customized alerts to stay informed about news articles, legal cases, or other relevant information as it happens, ensuring you never miss important updates. 

With LexisNexis, you have access to the tools and resources you need to conduct thorough and effective opposition research, enabling you to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. 



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