Training on the Go - Training on the Go - ln-media

Training on the Go

Training on the Go
Show Me How Video Repository
Type Title Downloads Rating

LexisNexis® Labor & Employment Arbitration Visuals and Filters

LexisNexis’ Labor & Employment arbitration visuals and custom L&E arbitration filters allow...
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More Like this Passage on Lexis+®

Find more cases and advance your research further with the More Like This Passage feature, only on Lexis...
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Judicial Brief Analysis: Recommendations

Judicial Brief Analysis identifies key passages in your document reflecting significant arguments or...
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by 9

Judicial Brief Analysis: Cited in Your Documents

With Judicial Brief Analysis, citations are extracted from your document during the upload process and...
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Judicial Brief Analysis: Quote Check

Quote Check, checks to determine whether document quotes accurately represent the true language from...
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SmartLinx® Comprehensive Person Report: Alerts

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SmartLinx® Comprehensive Person Report: Overview

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Nexis - LexisNexis Media Professionals

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by 11

Judicial Brief Analysis: Similar Briefs

Similar Briefs provides relevant briefs and other court documents using AI technology to locate similar...
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by 11

Judicial Brief Analysis: Compare Documents

See the strength and weaknesses of both arguments in one easy visual dashboard that allows you to Compare...
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by 13

Search for and Tag an eBook on Digital Library

A review of how to search for and tag a title in the LexisNexis Digital Library.
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Real Estate Professionals

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by 14

Legal Developments

Learn how to navigate Practical Guidance’s Legal Developments, which contains Law360® and Practical...
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I this short show-me-how video, we will demonstrate the functionality of the History feature on Lexis...
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Annotations and Highlights on Digital Library

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Brief Analysis Recommendations

Brief analysis quickly provides targeted recommendations that strengthen your legal arguments.
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Nexis Uni Get a Doc Assistance By Citation

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PDF Converter on Lexis for Microsoft Office

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Using Annotated Forms

Learn how to access thousands of expertly drafted forms with annotations, drafting notes, and checklists...
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Nexis Uni Get a Doc Assistance Cases by Docket Number

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by 16