
LexisNexis Legal & Professional Global Legal Division Blog Post

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Leading Industry Groups Provide Unprecedented Visibility for LexisNexis Rule of Law Efforts

The LexisNexis commitment to advance the Rule of Law across the globe received unprecedented visibility at three recent leading global association events around the world.
At the International Bar Association Annual Conference in Sydney, Australia, the LexisNexis and IBA leadership co-presented a number of awards, including a Human Rights award to a lawyer from Turkey. As a human rights practitioner, Ramazan Demir has a long and impressive list of cases including representing arrested MPs before the Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights, and numerous individuals arrested, detained and tortured during the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul.
Ramazan Demir addresses LexisNexis Asia-Pacific CEO TJ Viljoen, with The Hon Justice Michael Kirby, The Hon Justice Edwin Cameron, Ambassador Hans Corel, Baroness Helena Kennedy, IBA Vice-President Horacio Bernardes, former Commonwealth Lawyers Association President Mark Stevens and the IBA Rule of Law and Human Rights Institute leadership
LexisNexis personnel participated in various technology/AI panels at the conference, grew sales/leads in excess of 2016 and celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Outstanding Young Lawyer award, created in partnership with the IBA in 2008. Click here to see the video:
"The visibility LN received at the Sydney conference was second to none. Clearly our relationship with the IBA extends across all geographies and the Australian business was delighted to be a part of this year's event and engage with the leadership of the IBA and our customers - lawyers, members of the judiciary and LN authors who attended the conference." Simon Wilkins, GM LexisNexis Australia
At the Congress of the Union Internationale des Avocats, a Paris based association (which, through collective members of bars, federations, associations and individual members), brings together around two million lawyers from more than 120 countries, held in Toronto, LexisNexis led a Business and Human Rights panel with EVP and General Counsel Ian McDougall; UK Barrister Samantha Davies; Christina Koulias, with the United Nations Global Compact; Pierre-Henri Dutheil, of the French Bar Council; Fred Headon, Assistant General Counsel at Air Canada; Carmen Pombo, Director of the Fundación Fernando Pombo in Spain and French lawyer, Stephane Bonifassi. The event also included the co-presentation of the UIA/LexisNexis Rule of Law award, established in 2016 and the launch of the first UIA/LexisNexis co-publications.
            LexisNexis Canada CEO Loik Amis co-presents UIA/LexisNexis Rule of Law award to Saidbek Nuritdinov of Tajikistan
Nigel Roberts, VP Global Associations with UIA President Laurence Bory and UIA leadership at the book launch
Following the IBA and UIA events, Global Associations attended the Annual Conference of the International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives, in London; this group of law society and bar association CEO’s from around the world, represents a lawyer membership of 1.6m. Ian McDougall opened the conference with session on the Rule of Law, and Nigel Roberts presented the LexisNexis Ruleof Law story. The presentation you gave about LexisNexis efforts in terms of CSR and Rule of Law was extremely interesting and impressive,” stated Philip Buisseret, Secretary General of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe.
During the conference, the IILACE leadership presented Nigel Roberts with an award in recognition of his work with the association, which now includes a new initiative for CEO’s to develop programs to advance the Rule of Law in their day to day operations, to help broaden opportunities beyond the usual pro bono and access to justice efforts, and to engage the business community in advancing the Rule of Law.
John Hoyles, Secretary-General of IILACE presenting the award to Nigel Roberts
For more on Global Association events please email


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