Big Data Powers  PR, Marketing & Sales

The intelligent use of big data is no longer a competitive advantage, it is table stakes in today’s economy.

Recognizing the big  data opportunity

Knowing what people think about your brand, products and service is the holy grail of successful business.  By understanding your strengths, you can amplify them; by identifying your weaknesses, address them. If you know your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, you can counter and exploit them.

The advent of big data and its interaction with artificial intelligence has fundamentally disrupted the commercial landscape. For the first time, it is possible to accurately quantify and analyze responses to marketing, PR and sales campaigns  in real time.  By putting numbers behind the psychology, businesses can gain in-depth understanding of what customers want and how to give it to them.

The successful application of big data relies on getting access to the right data from the right sources and analyzing it quickly and effectively to inform the future path of brands, products and services.

Track brands & analyse trends with Nexis Data as a Service

Whether you’re looking to monitor brand mentions, measure campaign ROI or identify emerging market trends—our unrivaled global news and data collection offers a unique breadth and depth of media data to support your analysis.

What types of data can LexisNexis offer?

  1. Licensed print, broadcast and web news: Access leading daily newspapers from around the world, plus transcripts of radio and television broadcast reporting. Access 80,000+ news sources from 100+ countries in 75 languages
  2. Online news, blogs, and social commentary: LexisNexis is one of the only data aggregators to offer both licensed and open source data and news, with millions of articles and posts added per day
  3. Newswires and Press Releases: Our content database is constantly being updated to offer the latest events and stories of the day

What value does LexisNexis add to its data?

Our industry leading data fabrication, classification, and enrichment process:

  1. Creates clean, semi-structured XML data for integration into a database or application
  2. Applies algorithmic semantic analysis to enable data discovery—even when content is in different languages
  3. Adds metadata tags, topical classification, entity extraction, and other enrichments for more targeted data calls.

Why choose LexisNexis Data as a Service?

LexisNexis has decades of experience as a trusted content aggregator, enabling us to develop a world-leading source universe. Nexis DaaS enables you to:

  1. Leverage current and historical news articles for predictive analytics applications
  2. Find out where PR, Marketing or Sales initiatives are performing best with geo-location metadata
  3. Get a clear picture of messaging effectiveness by conducting sentiment analysis across global news data

Data-driven marketing

AI and big data are symbiotic: the more data you have, the more intelligent your AI and the richer, more accurate insights you can access.

Gaining Brand Insight

Big data analysis allows companies to identify the values and behaviors that appeal to their customers and devise marketing campaigns that resonate.

Understanding Customers

Big data allows marketers to understand the factors that are affecting consumers, helping build multiple customer personas to which they can pivot their promotional messages to appeal to those most likely to buy.

Understanding Customers

Big data allows marketers to understand the factors that are affecting consumers, helping build multiple customer personas to which they can pivot their promotional messages to appeal to those most likely to buy.

Predicting What's Next

Emerging trends can be identified through a mixture of predictive analytics applied to internal datasets and detailed monitoring of public sentiment around the company’s existing products and those of the competition.

Data-driven PR

Managing The Conversation

Public Relations is no longer a broadcast activity, it is a conversation. Managing that conversation to benefit and protect the organization is more challenging than ever. Company values, ethics and corporate social responsibility performance are all under the spotlight of public and media attention.

Achieving Accountability

Proving the return on investment of PR Campaigns has historically been difficult. For a long time, Advertising Value Equivalents (AVE) were reluctantly used, but these are blunt instruments that offer little information on audience engagement and subsequent actions.The ability to validate PR activity represents a new era for accountability and efficiency in the industry and is driving a revolution in how businesses shape and control their PR conversations.

Data-driven sales

At the bottom of the funnel the smallest changes have a big impact on sales.

Price Optimization

Customers are no strangers to generic price optimization - it has been a feature of the holiday market in particular for decades - but big data enables predictive pricing down to the level of individual customers.

Customer-Base Profiling

By analyzing customer data for information such as time since purchase, interactions with the company and customer service engagement, sales teams can farm their existing customer base to uncover new sales and up-selling opportunities.

Geo-location Analysis

Geo-analytics help align sales and go-to-market strategies with the regions and territories that demonstrate the most potential. Geo-location also enables highly targeted messages to consumers that can help drive stock management.

How does LexisNexis deliver the data?

LexisNexis offers flexible data delivery via easy to integrate API feeds, or on-premises applications, with a redundant data infrastructure that boasts 99.9% reliability and availability.

Bulk APIs

Access high-volume feeds of news, company, or patents data for historical analysis and predictive analytics.

Search & Retrieve APIs

Retrieve data on demand with enhanced functions - search, retrieve and saved searches - that work within your own user interface.

Nexis Solutions offers an established ecosystem of trusted third-party technology providers to help our customers integrate data quickly to power intelligent automation and other digital
transformation initiatives.

LexisNexis DaaS has enabled us to grow our business through their global content coverage
which is so comprehensive, scalable and reliable.

Nexis Data as a Service

See how you can enhance AI success with the CORE advantage of Nexis® Data as a Service.


A source universe offering controlled volume and a wide variety of datasets to meet diverse uses.


Flexible Bulk, RESTful and controlled content APIs deliver normalized, semi-structured data at the volume and velocity needed for big data applications.


Smart data, organized and enriched through a combination of expert human curation, advanced analytics and topic tags, for greater veracity.


A partner with 45+ years of aggregating content, plus patents in clustering and machine learning, for dependable value.

Fill your pipeline for predictive analytics

Unlock more insights with quality data

Sentiment Analysis

Conduct sentiment analysis to boost marketing and sales effectiveness.

Machine Learning

Train machine learning algorithms to detect, quantify and mitigate risk.

Financial Performance

Forecast financial performance to inform investment buy/sell decisions.

Text Analysis

Use text analysis of archival news to support social science research.

Get in touch

Telephone number: +31 (0)20 485 3456