News Research

The quickest, most efficient way to find reliable news is by taking advantage
of the power and scope of a comprehensive news database.

What is News Research?

Whether you’re a TV producer looking for inspiration for a show, a journalist following a story or a compliance professional doing your due diligence on a company or client, it’s crucial to avoid referencing flawed ‘facts’. Finding the truth – and the evidence to back up that truth – means delving into a range of reliable, first-rate news sources to uncover and understand the full story. The quickest, most efficient way to do this is by taking advantage of the power and scope of a comprehensive news database.

What are News databases?

News databases are typically organised and computerized repositories of vast collections of news information empowered by sophisticated search technology, indexing functions and analytics capabilities. Their powerful search engines enable you to take your research a step beyond basic online searches, which often deliver information overload, irrelevant data and, too often these days, fake news, misinformation and questionable sources.

Robust news databases, on the other hand, provide more refined results, with quick and easy access to high-quality, up-to-date information from thousands of reliable sources. Such sources might include newswires and news programs; international, national and local newspapers; magazines, journals and other periodicals; annual reports and other company financial information; legislation; public records; books; graphics; and multimedia sources.

In many instances, databases provide immediate access to full-text articles and transcripts. In other cases; they’ll aggregate and link to other full-text sources, such as news publishers, newspapers and news programs.

In other words, for finding accurate, useful information, news databases and aggregators are key to your research – and your business.

Tools for Effective News Research

Media research with Nexis®

Nexis® is your other go-to source for news research. Our global research tool gives you access to one of the largest news and business online information services in the world. It contains more than 4 billion searchable documents from 36,000 global business and legal sources, including newspapers, newswires, transcripts, magazines, trade journals, blogs, forums and more – all in one place. It also offers a news archive going back up to 40 years, to help you find the historical information you need.

With Nexis®, you can:

  • conduct in-depth news research
  • get background information for an article or show
  • find interview subjects to reach out to when you need a quote for an impending article or an expert commentator for an upcoming show
  • gain competitive intelligence information and track both your organisation and competitors
  • spot industry trends
  • provide evidence for a business, investment, political or legal decision
  • perform simple analyses of news articles with Media Coverage Analyser
  • use Nexis® Alerts to monitor news coverage on topics or individuals of interest and to spot emerging stories sooner

Nexis® provides accurate and reliable information, not only giving you the facts you need, but also helping you see how those facts fit together so you can make confident, informed decisions for your organisation and gain a competitive advantage.

Media monitoring with Newsdesk®

LexisNexis Newsdesk®, is a media-monitoring and analytics solution that helps you cut through the clutter and make sense of all your business-critical news research. With Newsdesk®, you can search, analyse and share your research so you can confidently make data-driven, impactful decisions for your organisation.

Newsdesk®’s, easy-to-use, all-in-one interface makes it simple to access our comprehensive licensed and open web content – everything from newspapers, websites and broadcast news sources to blogs and other social media channels.

With it, you can:

  • create personalized news searches around topics of interest
  • monitor what’s being said about your organisation (or other organisations) in near-real time, enabling you to respond to developments with speed and agility
  • simultaneously keep track of multiple topics across nearly 4 million articles daily, spanning 75 languages and more than 100 countries, for a 360-degree view of the media landscape
  • stay abreast of 24/7 broadcast-news coverage with monitoring of more than 2,000 TV and radio stations around the world and access to full-length transcripts and related videos
  • track the buzz across social media, including Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, as well as thought-leader blogs, podcasts, microblogs, video/photo sharing sites, industry forums and more
  • convert your research into easy-to-digest charts and graphs to share news and insights within your organisation
  • stay up to date on the latest news thanks to customised alerts and newsletters
  • share copyright-compliant news and information with colleagues and clients using customisable distribution tools, including branded newsletters and RSS feeds

Nexis® Social Analytics

In this digital age, social media has also become a critical component to how you receive and follow news, and social analytics plays a key role in how you can understand and use that information. With our social data intelligence platform, Nexis® Social Analytics, you can make the most of an ever-growing stream of social media conversations to further your research and help you make informed, impactful decisions based on social insights. These powerful real-time monitoring and social-listening tools let you:

  • track trends and topics of interest for stories
  • keep abreast of social media conversations concerning your research, stories, shows, clients, companies and more
  • quickly and easily share data and insights across your organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some popular questions

What is News Research?

The quickest, most efficient way to find reliable news is by taking advantage of the power and scope of a comprehensive news database. 

What are News databases?

News databases are typically organised and computerized repositories of vast collections of news information empowered by sophisticated search technology, indexing functions and analytics capabilities. Their powerful search engines enable you to take your research a step beyond basic online searches, which often deliver information overload, irrelevant data and, too often these days, fake news, misinformation and questionable sources. 

How to do effective news research?

    • Nexis® provides accurate and reliable information, not only giving you the facts you need, but also helping you see how those facts fit together so you can make confident, informed decisions for your organisation and gain a competitive advantage.
    • LexisNexis Newsdesk®, is a media-monitoring and analytics solution that helps you cut through the clutter and make sense of all your business-critical news research. With Newsdesk®, you can search, analyse and share your research so you can confidently make data-driven, impactful decisions for your organisation.
    • With our social data intelligence platform, LexisNexis® Social Analytics, you can make the most of an ever-growing stream of social media conversations to further your research and help you make informed, impactful decisions based on social insights.

What tools to use for Effective Research?

  • Nexis® provides accurate and reliable information, not only giving you the facts you need, but also helping you see how those facts fit together so you can make confident, informed decisions for your organisation and gain a competitive advantage.
  • LexisNexis Newsdesk®, is a media-monitoring and analytics solution that helps you cut through the clutter and make sense of all your business-critical news research. With Newsdesk®, you can search, analyse and share your research so you can confidently make data-driven, impactful decisions for your organisation.
  • With our social data intelligence platform, LexisNexis® Social Analytics, you can make the most of an ever-growing stream of social media conversations to further your research and help you make informed, impactful decisions based on social insights.

Get in touch

Telephone number: +91 99100 69136