Enterprise Risk Management

Why managing reputational, regulatory, financial and supply chain risk is so important—and how you can do so effectively.

Make progress in your industry while moving forward with confidence

Insufficient due diligence can expose your organization to any number of unseen risks. But with the right due diligence research solution in place, you can spot the following kinds of risk and avoid their consequences.

Reputational Risk

Without proper due diligence, your organization may unknowingly hire a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), waste time and effort considering a merger with a company that holds murky global connections or make any number of external or internal moves that negatively impact your brand’s reputation.

Regulatory Risk

Governing bodies introduce new or adjust existing regulations all the time. Your due diligence should be capable of flagging these changes. It should also highlight where, when, and how your current and potential business partners fall into non-compliance.

Financial Risk

The wrong move can negate financial gains, result in costly penalties and chip away at market value. Due diligence is key to understanding which mergers, acquisitions or other business decisions can impact sales or rack up fines.

Third Party Risk

Supply chains are becoming increasingly global and undeniably complex. And a more intricate and extensive third-party network means greater exposure to risk—unless you can quickly vet an unlimited number of entities in bulk to uncover connections and create in-depth risk profiles on your suppliers.

Have questions about Nexis Diligence+? We can help.

Learn more about Nexis Diligence+, a comprehensive due diligence solution that sets a higher standard for thoroughly assessing risk at scale. Complete the form below or call 1-888-46-NEXIS to connect with an expert today.