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Regulatory Risk Management

Nexis Diligence+™ enables a due diligence process that keeps up with ever-changing government regulations.

How Nexis Diligence+ Supports Regulatory Risk Management

To avoid fines, penalties and setbacks, your company must adhere to the myriad of government regulations wherever it conducts business. Nexis Diligence+ helps you know where, when and how your company or its partners fall into or risk non-compliance.

Stay up to date on the latest regulations and requirements

Access enriched data that gives your compliance program visibility into national and global standards for sanctions, anti-money laundering (AML), anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) and mandatory human rights due diligence (mHRDD).

See infractions of third-party entities

Check 1,400+ sanctions and watchlists around the world from government agencies such as OFAC, HM Treasury and the FBI. And screen for politically exposed persons (PEPs) using a comprehensive database of 1.4 million people.

Track media for regulatory news

Rely on 50,000+ global news sources to learn about new regulatory requirements and updates, as well as any reported non-compliance committed by people and companies.  

Have questions about Nexis Diligence+? We can help.

Learn more about Nexis Diligence+, a comprehensive due diligence solution that sets a higher standard for thoroughly assessing risk at scale. Complete the form below or call 1-888-46-NEXIS to connect with an expert today.