Influencer Marketing

Give yourself the means to implement a truly effective influence marketing strategy. 

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What is influencer marketing?  

Influencer marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves collaborating with individuals, known as influencers, who have a significant and engaged following on social media platforms or other online channels. This collaboration aims to promote products, services, or brands to the influencer's audience authentically and effectively. 

Why should you use influencer marketing?   

Influencer marketing offers several advantages for brands and businesses: 

  • Audience trust: Influencers often have a loyal and trusting fan base, which can enhance the credibility of your brand or product.
  • Targeted reach: You can choose influencers whose followers match your target audience, ensuring your message reaches the right people.
  • Content diversity: Influencers create diverse and engaging content, providing fresh perspectives on your offerings.
  • Social proof: Positive reviews and endorsements from influencers can build social proof and influence consumer decisions.

Common methods of influencer marketing 

Influencer marketing involves various strategies, including: 

  • Product reviews: Influencers review and showcase products or services.
  • Sponsored posts: Brands pay influencers to create content promoting their offerings.
  • Takeovers: Influencers temporarily take control of a brand's social media account.
  • Affiliate marketing: Influencers earn a commission for sales generated through their unique affiliate links.
  • Contests and giveaways: Influencers host contests or giveaways to promote a brand or product.

Benefits of influencer marketing 

Leveraging influencer marketing can result in several benefits: 

Drawbacks of influencer marketing 

While influencer marketing has many advantages, it also has potential drawbacks: 

  • Authenticity concerns: Inauthentic endorsements can damage a brand and an influencer's credibility.
  • Variable ROI: The effectiveness of influencer campaigns can vary, making ROI uncertain.
  • Complexity: Identifying the right influencers and managing collaborations can be challenging.
  • Regulatory risks: Failing to disclose sponsored content properly can lead to legal issues. 

How LexisNexis supports influencer marketing 

Nexis Newsdesk®, our flagship media intelligence solution, along with our Social Analytics offering, empowers you develop strong influencer marketing programs by providing you access to the information you need to find the right partners for your campaign. It enables you to: 

  • Create personalized news searches around topics of interest and potential influencer partners
  • Analyze brand awareness and influencer marketing campaign results
  • Monitor what people are saying about your company, your brand, and your competitors in near-real time so you can quickly respond to developments
  • Track multiple topics across nearly 4 million articles daily, spanning 75 languages and more than 100 countries, for a comprehensive view of the media landscape
  • Stay abreast of 24/7 broadcast-news coverage with monitoring of more than 2,000 TV and radio stations around the world and access to full-length transcripts and related videos
  • Keep track of the buzz across social media, including Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, as well as thought-leader blogs, podcasts, microblogs, video/photo sharing sites, industry forums and more
  • Convert your research into easy-to-digest charts and graphs to share news and insights within your organization
  • Stay up to date on the latest news thanks to customized alerts and newsletters
  • Share copyright-compliant news and information with colleagues and clients using customizable distribution tools, including branded newsletters and RSS feeds 

Nexis Newsdesk’s features include: 

  • A customizable dashboard
  • Branded alerts and newsletters
  • Embeddable interactive charts
  • Advanced analysis and filtering capabilities
  • Personalized searches and alerts
  • An unparalleled array of content 


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