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Market & Competitor Intelligence

Achieve quality market and competitor intelligence with streamlined access to a diverse range of relevant datasets from Nexis® Data+.

Consumer Goods Giant Turns to Nexis Data+ to Power Early Warning System


Faced with the complexity of monitoring competitor innovations in markets of more than a dozen countries, the U.S.-based consumer goods manufacturer (CGM) built an AI-powered early warning system that needed data to fuel it.


Aggregating the needed data from multiple sources was a frustrating, time-consuming process, so the CGM turned to Nexis Data+ for bulk news and company data to enhance its market and competitor intelligence.


Since switching to Nexis Data+, the CGM has expanded the data it ingests to include regulatory, legal, and intellectual property data, helping it navigate the competitive landscape more adeptly and reinforcing its innovation and leadership position in the global market.

With quality, enriched data available where and when it’s needed, the CGM enjoys the convenience of a single data provider while realizing the faster time to market insights and competitor intelligence with more comprehensive data powering its early warning system. Take your market and competitor intelligence to new heights with Nexis Data+. Our data consultants are ready to help.


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