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California Consumer Privacy Act

Ensure compliance with the Practical Guidance® CCPA Resource Kit.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020, imposing new regulations on the collection, processing, security and management of personal information.

Access your free Practical Guidance CCPA Resource Kit for practical guidance on California’s new privacy law by completing the form below. The CCPA Resource Kit provides an overview of the obligations imposed by the CCPA and practical guidance on how to ensure your client or company is fully compliant. It includes:

  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Overview
  • CCPA Compliance: Comparing Key Provisions of the GDPR and CCPA
  • CCPA Compliance: Updating a Privacy Policy Checklist
  • CCPA Compliance: Responding to Consumer Data Access Requests Checklist
  • Privacy Policy Clause: Disclosure of Personal Information Collected (CCPA Compliant)

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