Trouble Signing in?

NEW—You now need a Lexis® ID to sign in

Now only a Lexis ID and password are needed to access all LexisNexis services, including Lexis, the LexisNexis® Law School Home Page and Web Courses®.

If you already have a Lexis ID, sign in here now.

  • I forgot my ID or password: Use the form on the right and we will send you everything you need to access Lexis.

Looking for®? First sign in to Lexis, where you will find a link to

  • I am a 1L
    See your Account Executive to get your school Activation Code and continue the Lexis ID registration process.
  • I don’t know if I have a Lexis ID
    Use the form on the right and we will send you everything you need to access Lexis.

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