Nexis® for TV & Media

Ensure your facts are straight, your subject matter experts are credible, your interviewer knows the questions to ask, and your contestants have nothing to hide – all by conducting robust research with LexisNexis®.

Protect your Reputation

Thanks to round-the-clock news cycles and always-on social media, one tweet can turn into a worldwide sensation in the blink of an eye. With strong reputations taking years to build and seconds to destroy, it’s crucial producers do their research before programmes air, facts are stated and contestants are live.

LexisNexis solutions empower thorough research and analysis, on a cost-effective basis so you can check your facts fast, and keep the trust of your audiences.

Background check contestants

Ensure your prime-time TV guest or contestant isn’t hiding a skeleton in the closet by using Nexis to check for adverse news stories going back over 40 years.

Fact check your stats

In this post-truth world fact-checking is more important than ever. Ensure your presenters are quoting accurate numbers and referencing verified stories by accessing more than 26,000 premium sources with LexisNexis.

Get the full story, every time

Arm your interviewer with the full story and right questions by running robust research on any given topic, person, company or industry with LexisNexis Research Solutions. We’ll help you find what you’re looking for.

Get Social

Want to know what your audience are saying about your production? LexisNexis Social Analytics’ easy to use platform can uncover influencers, reveal demographics, track sentiment and monitor hashtags – request your trial today!

Get in touch

Telephone number: 0330 161 1234