Intellectual Property Data

Drive R&D and strategic insights with help from intellectual property data from Nexis® Data+.

Unlock Competitor Intelligence with IP Data

Discover competitive advantages with expansive intellectual property (IP) data including high-quality images, full-text documents, and enriched and machine-translated data. The IP dataset helps provide strategic foresight and nuanced perspectives to guide innovation and inform competitive strategies.

Trademarks & Copyrights

Access vital information about trademarks, including name, registration number, descriptions, images, filing details, expiration date, and registration date. Decode the intricacies of copyrights, revealing key attributes such as owner, class, registration date, and other pivotal details.

Intellectual Property News

Stay ahead of the curve with near real-time updates from the IP domain. Capture crucial narratives, incisive analyses, and expert commentary, empowering informed decision-making and trend tracking.

To access sample data, log in to the Nexis Data+ Portal or contact a LexisNexis® data consultant.

Connect with a Data Consultant

Ready to gain a competitive advantage with insights from intellectual property data? We can help.

Discover how Nexis Data+ can impact your business goals. Complete the form below, call +971 (0) 4 560 1200 or email to connect with an expert today.