Company & Financial Data

Explore how Nexis® Data+ company data and financial data drive insights that strengthen decisions in the moment and strategies over time.

Easy Access to Company and Financial Data

Tap into company and financial data covering nearly 490 million public and private companies worldwide. Convenient API access enables you to dive deep into organisational and ownership structures, analyze financial stability indicators, track mergers and acquisition, and other insights to gain a competitive edge and enhance strategic planning. 

Company Profiles

Capture the essence of companies and the corporate landscape using detailed profiles featuring essential company data including name, industry, location, financial data, firmographics, key officers, corporate hierarchies, contact details, and revenue.

Analyst Reports

Decode a company’s fiscal performance with expert analysis and insights to extract valuable guidance for investors, stakeholders, and decision makers across your organisation.

SEC Filings

Stay attuned to companies’ financial transparency with comprehensive access to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. From annual 10-Ks to quarterly 10-Qs, stay up to date with financial disclosures and regulatory compliance.

Mergers & Acquisitions 

Navigate the maze of M&A activity with pertinent details including deal dates, values, and involved parties to position yourself at the vanguard of industry shifts and lucrative investment avenues.

To access sample data, log in to the Nexis Data+ Portal or contact a LexisNexis® data consultant.

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