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Professional Insights - Solutions

October 12, 2023
6 Ways Premium News Data Yields Better Business Performance

6 Ways Premium News Data Yields Better Business Performance

Despite predictions of a “new normal,” the post-pandemic world feels just as tumultuous as ever. In fact, you could say unpredictability is as constant as the tide. The pressure to adapt or risk being swept into obsolescence is great. That’s why organizations increasingly turn to premium news data to help navigate a business landscape that continues to churn and change. Like a reliable lighthouse,...

October 05, 2023
5 Ways Cloud-Based Data Platforms Elevate Operations and Profit

5 Ways Cloud-Based Data Platforms Elevate Operations and Profit

The landscape of business is evolving at an unprecedented pace, thanks in no small part to the accelerating development of technology. One of the most impactful shifts in recent years is the migration from on-premises data solutions to cloud-based data platforms. What was once a buzzword and a future prospect has now become an integral part of modern business strategies. So, what makes cloud-based data platforms so beneficial...

September 26, 2023
Your Guide to the Alternative Data Revolution in Cloud-Based Data Marketplaces

Your Guide to the Alternative Data Revolution in Cloud-Based Data Marketplaces

Data may seem as common as dirt these days, but harvesting insights from data is not without its challenges. According to Statista , for example, organizations across the globe report common problems with: 34% struggle with data discovery—where to find and access alternative data to enrich your analytics 35% face organizational silos make it difficult to cultivate and share meaningful insights 39% struggle...

September 20, 2023
The Changing Roles of Risk Managers in the Age of Data, Technology, and AI

The Changing Roles of Risk Managers in the Age of Data, Technology, and AI

Risk management is paramount to the upkeep and success of a business. To make sure you are staying compliant, you should continuously check all operations for potential pitfalls, like illegal trades or unsavory business partners or unstable prospects. But what does that age-old process look like in the face of an ever-changing internet? As data, technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) evolve before our eyes, it’s...

September 13, 2023
Improve Business Research Using LexisNexis® SmartIndexing Technology™

Improve Business Research Using LexisNexis® SmartIndexing Technology™

Machine learning, artificial intelligence , and big data are hot topics in business discourse today as companies are racing to get information faster and more efficiently to stay ahead of their competitors. As such, everyone wants to be a part of this revolution. More than a decade ago, LexisNexis® recognized that filtering through massive amounts of news and company information was a time-killer for information...

August 29, 2023
Adopting Due Diligence: How to Begin Your Donor Due Diligence Strategy

Adopting Due Diligence: How to Begin Your Donor Due Diligence Strategy

While many nonprofits are well-aware of the importance of conducting donor research as part of the fundraising process, there are still plenty of aspects of due diligence worth learning about. Donors have the potential to bring financial or reputational damage to any institution, making due diligence imperative for safety and longevity. A robust due diligence search should therefore be at the top of any fundraiser’s...

July 27, 2023
Using Visualizations of Negative News to Monitor Your ESG Efforts

Using Visualizations of Negative News to Monitor Your ESG Efforts

Organizations are facing more calls for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) accountability than possibly ever before. Investors want to know that the companies they own stock in are good stewards of the earth and responsible corporate citizens. Likewise, consumers want to know the brands they do business with share the same core principles as they do. And governments and regulatory bodies are now looking to usher...

July 05, 2023
How to Engage Your Alumni to Improve Fundraising

How to Engage Your Alumni to Improve Fundraising

Alumni fundraising plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of colleges and universities in the U.S. “Philanthropic gifts to American colleges and universities totaled $59.5 billion in Fiscal Year 2022, according to the newest annual report from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey” ( Forbes ). To get their share of this...

July 03, 2023
How To Add More Value to Consulting Research

How To Add More Value to Consulting Research

Consulting jobs can consist of a wide variety of tasks—ranging from social media marketing strategy to research and analytics—but no consultant can be successful without the proper tools. To optimize work and serve clients exactly what they want and need, you must be regularly monitoring trends and data, providing thorough research beyond the scope of a simple web search. Here, we outline the ways in which...

June 28, 2023
How to Make the Most of Your Nonprofit Fundraising Efforts

How to Make the Most of Your Nonprofit Fundraising Efforts

You know the old saying: “Work smarter, not harder.” And sure, it’s a pithy way to summarize how you as a nonprofit fundraising professional strive to do your work. After all, if you want to find as many donors for your fundraising campaign as possible and maximize total contributions per donor, then you can’t afford to let time-consuming donor research and ineffective outreach slow you down. ...

June 13, 2023
Why Donor Due Diligence Is Crucial For Your Nonprofit's Success

Why Donor Due Diligence Is Crucial For Your Nonprofit's Success

We’ve all seen the evidence on the nightly news and in social media feeds. When a person closely associated with a charitable organization becomes the subject of a scandal, the organization’s reputation can be tarnished too. And this isn't just people who work with your organization--this can include anyone associated with your organization, from high-value donors to corporate sponsors to celebrity spokespeople...

June 12, 2023
Insight is Everything: Harnessing the Power of Media Intelligence

Insight is Everything: Harnessing the Power of Media Intelligence

With all the time and effort it takes to create a media campaign; it's essential to understand who you're reaching and how the public responds to your message. Measuring this through media intelligence gives you a clear picture of your effectiveness in attracting your desired customers and how to hone your message. While you can easily conduct media intelligence analysis, sometimes a specialized team of analysts...

June 08, 2023
Due Diligence For Third Party Environmental Impacts

Due Diligence For Third Party Environmental Impacts

As environmental, social, and governance regulation is becoming a standard requirement--not only from government regulation but from shareholder representations, businesses need to think more about how they are incorporating it into their strategies. However, only 5% of the UK’s largest companies have published a ‘credible’ environmental plan that would comply with forthcoming regulations, according...

June 05, 2023
How to Use Media Monitoring to Your Advantage in Nonprofit Fundraising

How to Use Media Monitoring to Your Advantage in Nonprofit Fundraising

As a philanthropic development professional, you are always looking for new avenues to identify potential grants, high-value donors, and philanthropy events that can unlock exciting prospect opportunities. In addition to the traditional prospect research tools, Nexis Newsdesk™ , a robust media monitoring and analytics platform, can be an unexpected yet invaluable tool in their arsenal. In this blog post, we will...

June 05, 2023
How Developing Data Skills Can Give Students a Career Boost

How Developing Data Skills Can Give Students a Career Boost

As industries across the globe increasingly rely on data to fuel decision-making, drive innovation, and steer strategic planning, there's an escalating demand for professionals equipped with robust data skills. These skills aren't just optional add-ons for recent graduates entering the workforce; they're essential competencies that can significantly enhance their employability and professional versatility...

May 30, 2023
4 Ways to Increase Your Press Release Traffic

4 Ways to Increase Your Press Release Traffic

As a PR pro, you wear a lot of hats. You must increase your company’s brand awareness, spread the latest news, and improve or maintain its overall reputation. Doing so means you need to get press releases in front of as many targeted audience members as possible—and at just the right time. But that’s easier said than done. Press releases often get buried in subdomains of third-party sites, where traffic...

May 15, 2023
9 Crucial Steps to Help Prevent Costly Sanctions Breaches

9 Crucial Steps to Help Prevent Costly Sanctions Breaches

With the ever-growing focus on ESG and increased compliance legislation across the globe, it has become even more important for business to keep up with regulation to avoid costly sanctions. Even if your business is not violating the law directly, you can be found liable for sanctions if your third-party partners are violating the law. That's why a rigorous and continuous due diligence process is so important. ...

May 15, 2023
Research, Simplified. Meet Nexis® Hub

Research, Simplified. Meet Nexis® Hub

Thorough, efficient research has never been more important than it is today. More organizations and workers are using data to make critical business decisions and optimize nearly every aspect of their work. Meanwhile, misinformation and “fake news” continue to muddy the waters in journalism and the corporate sector. It makes sense, then, that professionals around the globe are invested in finding solutions...

May 11, 2023
Why Targeted Press Releases are Vital to Your Success

Why Targeted Press Releases are Vital to Your Success

If you want your business to succeed, a marketing strategy is essential. Although the value of your everyday content marketing plays a role in building trust and loyalty, creating a targeted marketing campaign will level up your outreach efforts. A lot of time and effort goes into developing an effective media campaign. Even the most well-thought-out, innovative, and creative marketing content won’t get you very...

May 07, 2023
The 6 Types of Datasets Critical to Your Due Diligence Investigations

The 6 Types of Datasets Critical to Your Due Diligence Investigations

If you're a decision-maker in a company, you know how much weight is put on making the right decision for your company. And, with increasing ESG regulation and consumer expectations of ethical practices, it is more important than ever that you take your initial research seriously and explore any possible obstacles to a new partnership. Skipping this step could be an issue of corporate survival. A good due diligence...

May 02, 2023
6 Quick Tips for Qualifying Potential Donors

6 Quick Tips for Qualifying Potential Donors

As a development professional, you know that everyone is in a near constant search for qualified prospective donors. From finding donors who align with your mission to validating their information, donor prospecting takes incredible amounts of time and effort--often forcing you to spend your time researching when you'd rather be engaging with donors and growing your community. But, if you don't have potential...

April 24, 2023
Why Managing Reputational Risk is Key to Your Business Success

Why Managing Reputational Risk is Key to Your Business Success

Are you managing reputational risk as effectively as you should? Every year, the Axios Harris Poll 100 surveys 40,000+ Americans on companies on consumers’ radar—for good or for bad. Then, the Top 100 companies on the list are ranked across seven key dimensions of reputation. While some companies continually rank high in the hearts and minds of Americans (Trader Joe's and Patagonia regularly top the list...

April 20, 2023
How Can Enriched Data Help You Track Your Business KPIs

How Can Enriched Data Help You Track Your Business KPIs

Whether you are looking at an exciting new business opportunity or a comprehensive strategy transformation, monitoring the performance of projects is crucial in today’s business world. But what's the best way to measure your goals to know the success of your projects? Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking progress against them helps determine if performance expectations are being met....

April 13, 2023
Building Trust with Media Literacy in Academic Research

Building Trust with Media Literacy in Academic Research

The past decade has seen a marked decline in trust in institutions, businesses, and the media. At the same time, the world has witnessed a rise in disinformation, fake news, and alternative facts as different factions have an increasing disagreement of what is considered the objective truth. This has been made worse by increasing political polarization and media competition, forcing outlets to compete for their audience’s...

April 03, 2023
Text-Based Data for Insurance Market Insights

Text-Based Data for Insurance Market Insights

A McKinsey article on use of AI in the insurance industry calls data and analytics capabilities “table stakes” in the sector in Europe and North America. The article notes that “External data are the ‘fuel’ that is unlocking the value of artificial intelligence.” While we may think that they are referring to numbers-based hard data, text-based data can have much more of an impact...