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Professional Insights - Solutions

July 26, 2024
What’s the Difference Between Tactical Intelligence and Strategic Competitive Intelligence?

What’s the Difference Between Tactical Intelligence and Strategic Competitive Intelligence?

As any competitive intelligence researcher knows, it’s crucial to understand both the strategy and tactics to use when conducting company and industry research. However, in today’s ever-evolving business landscape, more than just competitive intelligence professionals employ tools for company and industry research. No matter your role in your organization, if you’re tasked with providing detailed information...

July 19, 2024
Best Practices for Purchasing Competitive Intelligence Tools and Services

Best Practices for Purchasing Competitive Intelligence Tools and Services

Competitive intelligence strategists know that over the past few years , global socioeconomic turbulence has completely upheaved virtually every industry and organization across the planet. With the onset of remote work, the wave of new technologies and their ever-changing risks and regulations , and unpredictable markets, there’s been a massive paradigm shift across the business spectrum. The pressure has never...

July 09, 2024
How Donor Prospecting Technology Can Streamline Your Giving Season Workflow

How Donor Prospecting Technology Can Streamline Your Giving Season Workflow

Giving Season is a crucial time for any nonprofit. In fact, according to The Nonprofit Times , in 2022 the US nonprofit community raised $ 3.1 billion on Giving Tuesday alone. Despite many challenges facing nonprofits the past few years, these months are still a massive opportunity for your nonprofit. That’s why it’s essential to streamline donor prospecting workflow. The faster you identify prospective donors...

June 21, 2024
How to Use Text-Based Financial Data APIs

How to Use Text-Based Financial Data APIs

In 2021, McKinsey, in collaboration with the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), conducted a survey on resilience behavior and organizational management. Noting a “striking difference between corporates and financial services organizations, the research revealed a much higher percentage of staff allocated to risk and compliance within financial services than corporate entities. The reason...

June 20, 2024
SWOT Analysis 101 for Financial Services

SWOT Analysis 101 for Financial Services

How well do you know your individual financial services competitors and the competitive landscape in which you operate? When it comes to putting together useful business intelligence, SWOT analysis is an important piece of the puzzle. SWOT Analysis is a common way for businesses in financial services to assess how they stand up to their competitors. By assessing each element of SWOT--strengths, weaknesses, opportunities...

June 19, 2024
Using Nexis Newsdesk® to Drive Informed Decision-Making

Using Nexis Newsdesk® to Drive Informed Decision-Making

The media landscape is always changing. New platforms and communications channels are seemingly introduced daily; trends develop at a moment’s notice and then are gone in a flash. What that means is that no communications strategy is ever perfect—it’s always a work in progress, a living and breathing thing. The impact of individual messages, tactics, and content should not just be tracked in real time...

June 17, 2024
How Financial Services Pros Can Keep Up with Your ESG Ratings

How Financial Services Pros Can Keep Up with Your ESG Ratings

As issues around sustainability, human rights and social responsibility continue to dominate headlines, corporations are facing increased pressure to prioritize Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in their business strategies. This has been true in the financial sector for years, and ESG initiatives have quickly gone from nice-to-have endeavors that earn goodwill from stockholders and potential investors to table...

June 12, 2024
Follow Trends in Financial Services for Better Business Intelligence

Follow Trends in Financial Services for Better Business Intelligence

In today's climate, saving money, fueling growth, and protecting against risk are imperative goals for financial service organizations. While there are a million and one ways to accomplish any of these, determining your strategy will come down to what's best for your company, clients, and community. This requires knowing your company, industry, and consumer inside and out, which means conducting business intelligence...

June 06, 2024
Shareholders Call for ESG Investment Due Diligence

Shareholders Call for ESG Investment Due Diligence

In the last month, some of the world’s biggest banks have faced votes from investors to improve their ESG investments and climate records. This is just the latest evidence that a growing proportion of shareholders, employees, and consumers want to invest in, work for, and buy from companies that can demonstrate a positive, ethical impact on the world. In this blog, we explain how Nexis® Solutions can help...

June 05, 2024
Top Five Reasons to Take Advantage of Nexis Trials

Top Five Reasons to Take Advantage of Nexis Trials

With new sources of content popping up every minute, finding reliable, relevant sources for your research projects can be a major challenge. It might seem that searching on the open web is a free and easy way to find the information you need, but it's often more trouble than it's worth. If you are using the open web, you can run into a whole host of research obstacles: paywalls, bad writing and reporting, unrelated...

May 30, 2024
What the Updated Wolfsberg Principles Mean for Financial Due Diligence

What the Updated Wolfsberg Principles Mean for Financial Due Diligence

The Wolfsberg Principles are widely regarded as authoritative guidance for how financial institutions should respond to the rising risks of bribery and corruption. New guidance has recently been released for the first time in six years. We unpack its main recommendations of risk factors which should prompt banks to carry out enhanced financial due diligence reports and explain how technology can help to improve and...

April 24, 2024
Top Six Questions to Ask Your Due Diligence Tool

Top Six Questions to Ask Your Due Diligence Tool

Performing due diligence on third-party entities is a crucial part of any risk management program. However, traditional manual approaches often fall short, proving inadequate for regularly screening large volumes of partners, vendors, customers and more. Choosing the right due diligence tool like Nexis Diligence+ can transform the process through automation and enhanced insights. But with many options on the market...

March 26, 2024
Top Six Questions to Ask Your Research Tool

Top Six Questions to Ask Your Research Tool

With the wealth of information available today developing at a breakneck speed, conducting quality research is more vital than ever. However, sifting through the sheer volume of content to find precisely what you need remains a challenge—not to mention the added obstacles of fact-checking and validating information. Investing in the right research tool can make an enormous difference in work efficiency and output...

March 22, 2024
Search Like a Pro with These Nexis Search Pro Tips

Search Like a Pro with These Nexis Search Pro Tips

Imagine you’re on the Nexis ® home page. Your cursor is on the search bar, and you know that typing in a single word or phrase will execute a search across a vast collection of data—from news archives and company details to biographical information, legal records, and social media content. But with so much data at your fingertips, how can you be sure your search efforts are delivering the most relevant...

March 16, 2024
Better Donor Prospecting With Nexis® for Development Professionals

Better Donor Prospecting With Nexis® for Development Professionals

For nonprofits, one of the most critical challenges is finding new donors who are not only willing, but eager, to support your cause. The quest becomes less daunting when you consider a key insight: individuals who have a history of donating are significantly more likely to contribute elsewhere. OneCause writes: “Donors who have contributed between $5,000 and $10,000 to an organization are 5 times more likely...

January 10, 2024
3 Helpful Tips on How To Research Newspaper Archives

3 Helpful Tips on How To Research Newspaper Archives

Billions of internet searches are made every day--but how many are made well? Even experienced researchers can find themselves wasting time on inefficient searches that yield questionable results. The problem? Open web search engines with endless answers. Using open web search engines is second nature for most people, but answering casual questions about a restaurant’s hours is a far cry from doing in-depth professional...

December 20, 2023
When to Call In the Media Analysis Experts

When to Call In the Media Analysis Experts

Today’s PR specialists shoulder many responsibilities—but there is perhaps nothing more fundamental to a successful communications strategy than ongoing media monitoring. After all, how can you accurately measure the effectiveness of your key messages or conduct competitive research if you don’t understand how your brand is being portrayed? While automated solutions are ideal for day-in, day-out media...

December 06, 2023
Simplify Your Research With Nexis® Hub

Simplify Your Research With Nexis® Hub

New technology allows many job responsibilities to be delegated to machines, but there are some tasks that just need a human touch—and proper research is one of them. As data-driven decision-making has become ubiquitous in organizations around the world, the ability to efficiently locate, analyze, and synthesize research findings is an indispensable skill for employees across a range of industries--from journalism...

December 04, 2023
Search Nexis® News with These Optimizing Commands

Search Nexis® News with These Optimizing Commands

While conducting a news search can certainly be as easy as typing in a few keywords and hitting “enter,” there are many ways to optimize searches that you’re likely missing out on. Did you know you can specify what length of article you want to read, what languages the terms should be published in and even fine-tune your results to only see negative news? If you’re not using search commands,...

November 30, 2023
Nexis’s Keyboard Commands For Easy, Optimized Searches

Nexis’s Keyboard Commands For Easy, Optimized Searches

Searching databases might seem simple, but if you’re not up-to-date on commands, you might be falling way behind. Nexis ® is already revolutionizing the way searches are conducted online, from offering unparalleled databases to building out automatic portfolios and alerts. However, if you’re unaware of the plethora of search tricks, you might not be getting the most you can out of your Nexis subscription...

November 29, 2023
How To Fix Your Research Style With Nexis Hub®

How To Fix Your Research Style With Nexis Hub®

If you scroll through a handful of job descriptions today, odds are that most—if not all—will list “proficient in research and analysis” as a requirement. But despite the need for quality research skills, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to collecting and organizing information. Some might opt for a rigid process of sourcing publications or authors with relevant expertise before diving...

November 28, 2023
Three Media Metrics You’re Not Measuring (But Should!)

Three Media Metrics You’re Not Measuring (But Should!)

For many PR pros, it can be difficult to pinpoint in real time whether your communications strategy is paying off. Total impressions, share of voice, and social engagement are great—but do they capture whether the key messages you toiled over are resonating? Do they paint an accurate picture of your campaign’s effectiveness? Or are you leaving valuable insights behind? We asked our Nexis® Media Intelligence...

November 11, 2023
Five Steps to Can't-Miss ESG Media Monitoring

Five Steps to Can't-Miss ESG Media Monitoring

As a communications professional, you know intuitively that public perception can impact your campaigns, for better and for worse. These days, not much is more top of mind with the public than matters related to Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Research shows that customers, investors and other stakeholders are placing an increased focus on ESG initiatives, with companies leading the charge finding themselves with...

November 08, 2023
From Chaos to Clarity: Transforming Disorganized Research into Actionable Insights

From Chaos to Clarity: Transforming Disorganized Research into Actionable Insights

The modern workplace has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last few years, weathering a global pandemic, widespread talent shortages, and the emergence of game-changing technologies. Amid all this change, today’s workers are shouldering more responsibility and larger workloads than ever —and struggling to find enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on their to-do lists. Just like time...

November 06, 2023
How to Create an Efficient Risk Management Workflow

How to Create an Efficient Risk Management Workflow

If you’re a risk manager, the creation of an efficient and effective risk management workflow should be at the top of your priority list. Because risk managers are now juggling so many pieces, it can too often seem like you can have fast or effective risk analysis, but not both. The idea that you must choose between a well-informed due diligence investigation or an expedited one with a greater potential for blind...