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Professional Insights - Industry Insights

April 17, 2023
Supply Chain Transparency, Ethics, and Technology for Due Diligence

Supply Chain Transparency, Ethics, and Technology for Due Diligence

For decades, consumers have steadily increased their prioritization of buying goods from companies that value human rights and environmental sustainability—this includes every step of the supply chain. Ethically sourced food involves a wide range of sustainability initiatives, from responsible packaging and energy efficient transportation to environmentally sustainable growth practices and efficient returns management...

April 14, 2023
What is Wealth Screening: Finding Hidden Wealth

What is Wealth Screening: Finding Hidden Wealth

When it comes to fundraising, nonprofits and academic institutions often have the uphill battle of finding where to apply their efforts. No business wants to waste time and resources hosting a donor event or even dispersing newsletters to people totally uninterested in helping their efforts. Once the interested populations are identified, there is then the process of figuring out the potential amount that could even...

April 10, 2023
How to Fundraise for Healthcare Organizations

How to Fundraise for Healthcare Organizations

Fundraising for a nonprofit healthcare organization should be easy. What nobler cause is there than fighting childhood cancer? Who wouldn’t want to donate to the Red Cross or the American Heart Association? Isn’t curing debilitating diseases a goal everyone wants to support? Of course it is. And yet, when you work in healthcare fundraising, raising awareness for your cause can prove challenging, especially...

April 10, 2023
Why Due Diligence Combatting Child Labor is Critical

Why Due Diligence Combatting Child Labor is Critical

Consumer attitudes have shifted dramatically since the onset of the pandemic, bringing a striking increase in their desire for transparency in supply chain ethics. From the consumer level to the statutory level, there is a greater focus on ensuring these laws are enforced and embraced across the whole of the supply chain: from farm to fork. In 2021, a global study found that 78 percent of consumers prioritize buying...

April 06, 2023
Costs of Compliance Failure: Deferred Prosecution Agreement Breach

Costs of Compliance Failure: Deferred Prosecution Agreement Breach

A multinational telecommunications company has pleaded guilty to breaching the anti-bribery provisions of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and must pay a $206 million penalty. In this blog, we look at the judgement by the US Department of Justice, and highlight the legal, financial, reputational and strategic risks of a compliance failure. We also outline how Nexis® Solutions can help companies to improve their...

April 03, 2023
How to Crush Fundraising in Higher Education

How to Crush Fundraising in Higher Education

There are significant advantages to fundraising for higher education, whether it be for a distinguished university or a small, rural college. These institutions have an extensive network of prospective donors who already have a relationship with the school, either as current or former students. But with so much competition for their time and attention, how do you find alumni and engage them in a meaningful way? And how...

March 28, 2023
How to Fundraise for the Arts

How to Fundraise for the Arts

When you work at an arts nonprofit, it might feel like you’ve landed your dream job. Your days are spent doing something you love with people who are equally passionate about the cause. While your profession is intensely creative and rewarding, keeping the organization financially solvent (and thriving) might sometimes prove challenging. Meeting your fundraising goals year after year can turn into an all-consuming...

March 23, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Review and Refine

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Review and Refine

Once your work is live in the wild, that doesn’t mean the job is done. Modern PR campaigns are living, breathing things, with feedback incoming from a range of sources. And much like trees need sunlight, air and water to grow, your campaign needs data, analysis and refinement in order to flourish. These efforts should go far beyond old-school media monitoring, correlating media coverage with key business outcomes...

March 19, 2023
How Companies Can Mitigate This Rising Regulatory Risk

How Companies Can Mitigate This Rising Regulatory Risk

Over the past few months, companies from a wide range of jurisdictions and industries had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines for alleged failures of compliance and due diligence. In this blog, we dive deeper into some of these enforcement actions and draw out lessons companies can learn to mitigate the legal, financial, reputational and strategic risks of a regulatory breach. We also explain how Nexis Solutions®...

March 16, 2023
2023 Trends for Nonprofit Professionals

2023 Trends for Nonprofit Professionals

Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in society by providing services and support to those in need. The past few years have been particularly challenging for nonprofits, as they have had to navigate the impact of the pandemic and economic uncertainty. However, despite these challenges, nonprofits have continued to serve their communities and have demonstrated their resilience and adaptability. Our 2023 Nonprofit...

March 16, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Activate Your Strategy

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Activate Your Strategy

Are you ready to take your PR campaign to the next level? With a solid strategy in place, it's time to focus on spreading your message far and wide. From creating press materials to amplifying your message through paid media, there are several key steps you can take to engage directly with your audience and ensure your campaign's success. So far, we've covered brand , audience and industry research as well...

March 08, 2023
What Germany's Due Diligence Law Means for Supply Chain

What Germany's Due Diligence Law Means for Supply Chain

Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act has been effective since 1 st January 2023. The new law requires large companies operating in Germany to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence on their business and its suppliers. Now, many countries are considering following Germany’s lead with similar regulations. In this blog, we look at how all companies can improve their compliance and due diligence...

March 02, 2023
How to Attract and Engage Gen-Z Donors With Social Media

How to Attract and Engage Gen-Z Donors With Social Media

The Gen-Z population—those born between 1995 and 2010—is often considered the most diverse and connected generation yet. As such, this generation is becoming increasingly engaged in social justice causes—and they are making a large impact on nonprofit donations. Having been raised on the internet, Gen-Zers are using the power of technology to donate to their favorite causes in innovative ways. Nonprofit...

March 02, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Develop the Strategy

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Develop the Strategy

In today's crowded and constantly evolving media landscape, it can be challenging for businesses and organizations to get their message heard and their brand recognized. That's where a well-planned public relations (PR) campaign comes in. But simply having a message isn't enough. To truly stand out and make an impact, you need a solid strategy guiding your PR efforts. Without a strategic approach, your campaign...

February 27, 2023
Why You Need to Fact-Check AI-Generated Content for Misinformation

Why You Need to Fact-Check AI-Generated Content for Misinformation

Content created by Artificial Intelligence proliferates at a remarkably rapid pace. AI’s power to transform our informational landscape is immense, due to the constant overflow of information. AI analysis is more than twice as fast as human discovery and gives us a wellspring of optimized data that allows us to expedite decision making. However, if the AI dataset is flawed, it can drown out fact with misinformation...

February 22, 2023
Top Trends in Financial Services 2023

Top Trends in Financial Services 2023

The Financial Services industry seems to be in a constant state of change. Just when 2022’s lows and highs feel like a familiar cycle, 2023 comes along and brings a new whirlwind. Between technological developments, recession and inflation concerns, heightened increases of digital platforms and the recent swing of massive company lay-offs, there’s a lot to keep track of. As experts in data services, Nexis...

February 16, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Know the Industry

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Know the Industry

Brands don’t exist in a vacuum. Every brand that’s advertised on the internet, billboards, or other types of media is a part of a robust industry and is competing to claim market share in that field. Because competition is so steep, a successful public relations strategy requires understanding the world your organization works within. So, you’ll need to know much more than the brand and its key customers—you’ll...

February 02, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Know Your Audience

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Know Your Audience

If you’re writing a novel, you need to know the audience you’re writing for. Your story and tone will be different if you’re writing a fantasy novel for pre-teens versus a historical drama for fans of Downton Abbey. The same is true for your PR campaign—you must know your audience and cater to them. Some brands have one target audience, while most have several. These can be external (e.g.,...

January 31, 2023
Do Your Third Party Partners Align with Your ESG Commitments?

Do Your Third Party Partners Align with Your ESG Commitments?

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance plays a critical role in how consumers, employees and investors are making business decisions. In fact, When Edelman released its 22 nd annual Trust Barometer this year, they found that 60% of employees and 80% of investors prefer organizations that align with their beliefs and values. For manufacturers, ESG awareness must go beyond internal and self-reported data...

January 27, 2023
Finding Potential Donors and Influencers for Political Campaigns

Finding Potential Donors and Influencers for Political Campaigns

It seems like we're in a never ending cycle of elections. Which candidates and issues win will often come down to which campaigns raise the most funds and garner word of mouth from influencers. Building a healthy campaign requires a continual effort to identify prospective new donors. It can be a demanding task, but Nexis® makes the process easier and more productive. Here’s a quick glimpse at just one...

January 20, 2023
4 Ways to Use Digital Platforms in Academic Research

4 Ways to Use Digital Platforms in Academic Research

Online education isn’t new, however the social distancing required by the coronavirus pandemic caused digital learning grew exponentially. Even though we've returned to some semblance of normal", it is clear the landscape of digital learning has changed. Many students may have found they prefer the convenience and flexibility offered by digital courses, and universities have had to adjust their strategies...

January 19, 2023
Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Research the Brand

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Research the Brand

A PR campaign is like the most magnificent tree you’ve ever seen, and if it’s done correctly, you can build a whole content forest. But you need a solid foundation from which the tree (the brand) can grow. That comes from a thorough understanding of a brand’s history and current place in the market at the roots of the tree. That means you must put your investigative reporter’s cap on and make...

December 28, 2022
How Misinformation Spreads on Social Media—And How to Combat It

How Misinformation Spreads on Social Media—And How to Combat It

Unless you’re making an active effort to disconnect from the 24/7 news cycle then chances are you’ve heard about Elon Musk’s recent Twitter acquisition and his subsequent moves to shake up the company, which has had a major impact in how some people are getting and distributing news. Twitter has been the social media platform of choice for journalists and reporters to “tweet out” and track...

November 16, 2022
The Impact of ESG Ratings and Where to Find Them

The Impact of ESG Ratings and Where to Find Them

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings have been used by academic researchers for years to understand the social and environmental impact of companies. In recent years, however, these ratings have become more important to the companies themselves. A company's ESG rating is now often used by investors to assess risk and potential return . Because of this, many companies are now incorporating ESG factors...

November 07, 2022
How to Run a Political Campaign that Delivers Results

How to Run a Political Campaign that Delivers Results

Running an effective political campaign (i.e., one that results in your candidate’s victory) takes equal parts in-depth knowledge and fast responsiveness to ever-changing conditions in the news cycle and on the ground. Whether you’re a political consultant, a volunteer researcher, or a full-time campaign manager, you need to understand what’s being said about your candidate and their opposition at...