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Professional Insights - Industry Insights

June 03, 2024
Financial Services Trends for Gen Z and What that Means for Financial Pros

Financial Services Trends for Gen Z and What that Means for Financial Pros

The youngest generation in the workforce, Gen Z (cordially called “Zoomers” at times) has a unique set of values that distinguishes them even from millennials . A cohort defined by their love of trends and social media, Gen Z can be an enigma for investors who are attempting to reach younger audiences. Staying on top of this generation’s ethos and internet habits is crucial for financial services providers...

May 20, 2024
How to Use Big Data Analytics in Finance

How to Use Big Data Analytics in Finance

The proliferation of Big Data and the use of artificial intelligence has changed the game for financial services. Now more than ever, it’s critical that companies have trustworthy ways of performing their practices, finding new investments and conducting research. And all of those boxes can be checked off in one fell swoop when companies begin using data analytic tools. In this blog, we will outline why data analytics...

May 16, 2024
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Why Third-Party Data Sources Matter When Using Generative AI

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Why Third-Party Data Sources Matter When Using Generative AI

In a recent LinkedIn post , data and technology transformation consultant Tommy Tang writes, “Generative AI has emerged as a potent tool across various domains, from content creation to bolstering decision support systems.” He warns, however, that “The efficacy of generative AI is intrinsically tied to the quality of its training data.” And therein lies the challenge, aptly summarized by the...

May 14, 2024
Unlocking Opportunities in Media Intelligence: A Closer Look at Data Analysis Techniques

Unlocking Opportunities in Media Intelligence: A Closer Look at Data Analysis Techniques

Developing strong media intelligence for PR and brand management truly depends on the methods you choose to analyze the data gathered through your media mining and monitoring efforts. What you look at and how you look at it are key to understanding how your brand, organization, or campaign is situated within the larger media landscape—and ultimately perceived by the public. We explore basic and advanced measurement...

May 09, 2024
Stay Alert to Reputational Risk with These Seven Tips

Stay Alert to Reputational Risk with These Seven Tips

Content is king when it comes to improving brand recognition; however, context is king when it comes to managing reputational risk . Simply put, reputation is rooted in perception, and to truly manage reputational risk, you must first measure perception. As researchers wrote for the Harvard Business Review , “A detailed and structured analysis of what the media are saying is especially important because the media...

May 07, 2024
How to Overcome the Top 8 Challenges in Generative AI

How to Overcome the Top 8 Challenges in Generative AI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) stands as a transformative force in the digital landscape, promising innovative solutions and creative approaches to data synthesis. However, GenAI faces its fair share of adoption hurdles. Organizations committed to leveraging generative AI must navigate through myriad challenges, ensuring both the solution efficacy and ethical application. Let’s delve into the top 8...

May 02, 2024
Media Intelligence 101: The Power of Data Analysis

Media Intelligence 101: The Power of Data Analysis

As any communications pro can attest, shaping the media narrative of a brand, campaign, or organization has grown increasingly difficult. The media landscape is vast, runs deep, and permeates our lives via television, print, the internet, and even art and experiences. The sheer volume of data to parse— estimated to reach 180 zetabytes by 2025 —is mindboggling. Furthermore, mass media content specifically is...

May 01, 2024
Stricter Sanctions and Broken Supply Chains and What the War in Ukraine has Meant for Third Party Risk Management

Stricter Sanctions and Broken Supply Chains and What the War in Ukraine has Meant for Third Party Risk Management

February 2024 marked two years since the latest conflict in Ukraine began. As well as its tragic impact on so many lives, the war has also brought new third-party risks which companies need manage–or face supply chain interruptions or even enforcement action by regulators. In this blog, we look at the main risks for companies and suggest how they should respond. Legal and financial risks of two years of ever...

April 25, 2024
Keep Up With Supply Chain Intelligence to Mitigate Disruption

Keep Up With Supply Chain Intelligence to Mitigate Disruption

Recent years have been characterized by supply chain disruption–from Covid-19 to the Suez blockage to the invasion of Ukraine. Moreover, companies who fail to identify and manage illegal or unethical activity in their supply chain face increasing regulatory, reputational, financial, and strategic risks. In this blog, we look at some of these risks, and show how smart use of data and technology can give companies...

April 24, 2024
What is Embedded Finance in Financial Services Trends?

What is Embedded Finance in Financial Services Trends?

Anyone who’s used the internet for their own shopping or banking needs has undoubtedly already seen examples of embedded finance (abbreviated as EmFi). And yet, the average consumer would likely have no idea how to define the term “embedded finance.” But EmFi’s growing popularity makes it more than just a simple buzzword or pop-up window,; it's a key financial services trend that finance pros...

April 18, 2024
Third-Party Data Helps Manufacturers Identify Supply Chain Red Flags Faster

Third-Party Data Helps Manufacturers Identify Supply Chain Red Flags Faster

While global supply chain risk is certainly not new, our need and ability to identify and assess it quickly affects every facet of our businesses. From the ESG expectations of consumers and the increasing global regulations to company board and c-suite expectations, supply chain transparency and risk management is of the utmost importance for success. During the Covid-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions plagued at...

April 15, 2024
If You Haven't Addressed These Five Third Party Risks, You're Behind the Curve

If You Haven't Addressed These Five Third Party Risks, You're Behind the Curve

Top Risks to Address for Third Party Due Diligence Only have a minute? Watch this quick video for a summary of the key points of the article. Third parties help companies to deliver their products and services, but they also expose them to regulatory, financial, strategic, and reputational risks. In this blog, we look at five key third party risks facing your company. Then, we explain how companies can mitigate...

April 15, 2024
AI for Business: How to Capitalize on Generative AI to Enhance Decision-Making

AI for Business: How to Capitalize on Generative AI to Enhance Decision-Making

The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and business pulses with potential, especially since generative AI (GenAI) has entered the picture. Google research scientist Oriol Vinyals notes, “Generative models are changing the way we think about machine intelligence and creativity, and have the potential to transform industries from media to finance to healthcare.” Of course, the insights you gain are...

April 09, 2024
What the Kroll Report Means for Your Business and How it Manages Third Party Financial Crime Risk

What the Kroll Report Means for Your Business and How it Manages Third Party Financial Crime Risk

This year’s Kroll Financial Crime Report found companies are growing increasingly concerned that third parties are driving a higher risk of financial crime. We read through the report to pull out lessons for companies from this survey of 400 executives across 8 countries. By implementing these lessons–with help from LexisNexis –firms can improve their management of third-party risk. “Third...

April 03, 2024
Generative AI 101: What You Need to Know About the Groundbreaking Tech

Generative AI 101: What You Need to Know About the Groundbreaking Tech

If you’ve been following the growth of Artificial Intelligence, it’s likely that you’ve interacted with, or at least seen, Generative AI. Systems like DALL-E and ChatGPT fall into this category, making it an incredibly hot topic in the world of technological advancement, but what does Generative AI even mean? In short, this type of AI generates things like text, images, and videos. It can respond to...

March 29, 2024
Six Things to Know About Emerging Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation

Six Things to Know About Emerging Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation

Millions of companies around the world have been impacted by regulations that mandate them to carry out ESG and human rights due diligence (HRDD) in the last few years–or they soon will be. These regulations bring new legal, financial, strategic, and reputational risks for firms. However, navigating this regulatory landscape is further complicated by disparate requirements across jurisdictions and the nuanced interpretations...

March 27, 2024
The Impact of New Media on Traditional Sources

The Impact of New Media on Traditional Sources

Some have decried social media as the “death of journalism,” but this isn’t a new complaint. In fact, the downfall of “traditional journalism” has been a point of contention since the emergence of television first threatened newspaper readership in the 1950s. The truth is that new platforms have forced traditional media to adapt and evolve—often for the better. It’s no surprise...

March 27, 2024
Corporate Foundations or Corporate Responsibility Programs? Which is the Best Partner for Fundraisers?

Corporate Foundations or Corporate Responsibility Programs? Which is the Best Partner for Fundraisers?

In the year 2022, corporations gave over $21 billion to nonprofits. Corporate giving is not simply something that happens around the holidays as a public relations appeal; corporations are finding ways to participate in charity and change the world year-round. There are two major paths toward this: corporate foundations and corporate responsibility (CR) programs. A foundation requires the corporation to create its own...

March 25, 2024
Why are Organizations Looking to Corporate Giving to Meet Fundraising Needs

Why are Organizations Looking to Corporate Giving to Meet Fundraising Needs

Institutions that rely on fundraising for their typical operations continually get more creative about finding donors. Whether that’s a shift to social media for fundraising efforts or changing the target list of donors, non-profits are tasked with keeping up with new trends in fundraising to stay ahead of the competition. One such trend is the shift toward corporate sponsorship. More and more institutions have...

March 19, 2024
What is New Media? The Real Life Impacts of Digital Media

What is New Media? The Real Life Impacts of Digital Media

The introduction of the internet and, later, smartphones has fueled the rise of a new type of digital media, ranging from blogs and comment boards to vlogs, podcasts, social media influencers, and beyond. And as each of these emerging channels began to gain influence on consumers, they’ve almost universally been met with intense skepticism. Are they a flash in the pan? Do they have a negative impact on society...

March 11, 2024
Get Ahead or Left Behind: The Generative AI Trend & It’s Growing Role in Tomorrow’s Workplace

Get Ahead or Left Behind: The Generative AI Trend & It’s Growing Role in Tomorrow’s Workplace

ChatGPT and Bard, DALL-E and Starryai: Generative AI (GenAI) tools are taking the world by storm, igniting conversations, and shaping future possibilities in ways we've only begun to explore. As the World Economic Forum notes, “After years of research, it appears that artificial intelligence (AI) is reaching a sort of tipping point, capturing the imaginations of everyone from students saving time on their essay...

March 07, 2024
Everything to Know About Generative AI in Media Production

Everything to Know About Generative AI in Media Production

If you’ve logged onto the internet in 2023, you’ve probably heard about AI advancements. From appealing AI filters on social media to the March 14, 2023 release of GPT-4, artificial intelligence (AI) has become all the rage, and that’s not likely to end anytime soon. But what does AI have to do with film and media production? Generative AI, a category of intelligence that creates content like text...

February 26, 2024
Five Tips for Spotting Fake News

Five Tips for Spotting Fake News

While “fake news” has always been around, the term rose in popularity since the 2016 elections. In mid-2016, an analyst for Buzzfeed found the top “fake news” stories about the US presidential campaign received more engagement on Facebook than stories from major media outlets, which caused a threat to serious media coverage due to the oversaturation of these falsified stories. This same analyst...

February 21, 2024
What Should US Businesses Know About the New EU Sustainability Directives?

What Should US Businesses Know About the New EU Sustainability Directives?

Starting in 2024, US companies operating within the European Union face new legal directives – the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD/CS3D) --that increase their need to engage in effective and on-going ESG and Human Rights Due Diligence across the whole of their production chains. The comprehensive directives range from fair labor...

February 13, 2024
Consequences of Sharing Misinformation

Consequences of Sharing Misinformation

Podcasts, blogs and social media sites make it easy for anyone to share their thoughts—who among us hasn’t sent a hastily-typed missive into the ether for our friends and followers to enjoy? But sharing misinformation on the web, intentionally or not, can have real legal consequences. Proper research and fact-checking have been a cornerstone of journalism since its inception, but these skills are increasingly...