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EAMS Blogs Reference Page (updated 6/18/2012)

January 30, 2013 (32 min read)

Welcome to the EAMS Blogs Reference Page, which is designed to help you find specific topics, statutes, and regulations referenced in the blogs written by Judge Colleen Casey and Judge Robert Norton. Feedback and comments can be sent to

Table of Contents
■ List of Blogs
■ Topical Index
■ Table of Statutes & Regulations

Blog List

 California EAMS: Issues to Consider Before Submitting Your Settlement Docs - Judge Colleen Casey, 6/12/2012
California EAMS: Winning the Race to the Medical Unit - Judge Colleen Casey, 1/4/2012
California: What Decisions Rule and When Do They Rule? - Judge Colleen Casey, 10/10/2011
California EAMS: Medical Reports as Evidence - Judge Colleen Casey, 9/22/2011
California EAMS: Proposed Changes to the WCAB Rules of Practice and Procedure - Dealing With Lien Claims - Judge Colleen Casey, 8/25/2011
Compliance With QME Regulations - Judge Colleen Casey, 7/8/2011
What Are SPDs? - Judge Colleen Casey, 4/21/2011
Verifications Are Now Required for Documents Filed by Lien Claimants - Judge Colleen Casey, 3/22/2011
Service in EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 1/25/2011
EAMS: Walk Through the Walk-Through Reg. 10280 in Ten Easy Steps - Judge Colleen Casey, 11/30/2010
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the DWC Forum...A New DWC 1 Form Was Created - Judge Colleen Casey, 10/20/2010
Three Tips for Trial - Submission of Evidence - Judge Colleen Casey, 9/27/2010
DWC Goes to the Movies - Judge Colleen Casey, 8/24/2010
Ex Parte Communications - Judge Colleen Casey, 7/30/2010
Tips for Filing Petitions for Reconsideration
- Judge Colleen Casey, 6/24/2010
Avoid Trips and Tricks - Adhere to Our Triple Top Tips - Judge Colleen Casey, 5/27/2010
Why Is Venue So Vexing? - Judge Colleen Casey, 4/30/2010
The Key to Getting Stips Approved in California - Judge Colleen Casey, 3/23/2010
How to Request a DEU Rating - Judge Colleen Casey, 1/10/2010
EAMS and the QME Process - Judge Colleen Casey, 11/9/2009
Insuring the Right to Privacy - Judge Colleen Casey, 9/13/2009
Notice of Discrepancy - Judge Colleen Casey, 8/4/2009
Coldiron Has Been Codified - Judge Colleen Casey, 7/9/2009
Access to EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 6/1/2009
EAMS Bulk Filing - Judge Colleen Casey, 2/12/2009
Top 10 FAQs re the OCR Forms - Judge Colleen Casey, 11/26/2008
Rules, Customs, and EAMS - Judge Robert Norton, 10/15/2008
Top 10 User Errors in EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 9/20/2008
Showing Up for the Showdowns - Appearance Requirements Under EAMS - Judge Robert Norton, 9/5/2008
Uniform Names for a Uniform System - Judge Colleen Casey, 8/22/2008
Live DWC Training Session on Filing Documents in EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 8/8/2008
EAMS Forms and Documents - Judge Colleen Casey, 7/9/2008
Selective Filing of Medical Reports Under EAMS - Judge Robert Norton, 6/9/2008
Leap into EAMS With New Terminology - Judge Colleen Casey, 6/8/2008
EAMS and Access to Justice Concerns - Judge Colleen Casey, 5/30/2008
Procedural Uniformity and EAMS - Judge Robert Norton, 5/20/2008
All About EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 5/9/2008
Easing into EAMS - Judge Colleen Casey, 4/28/2008

Topical Index
Access to justice -
Casey; 5/30/2008
ADJ - Casey; 5/9/2008; Casey; 6/8/2008
ADJ unit - Casey; 9/20/2008
Adjourn (hearing) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Agreed medical examination - Norton; 6/9/2008; Casey; 1/4/2012
Appearance requirements - Norton; 9/5/2008
Application for Adjudication of Claim - Casey; 3/22/2011
Application packet, service of - Casey; 11/26/2008
Application, amending according to proof - Casey; 11/26/2008
Author field - Casey; 9/20/2008
Auto-populate - Casey; 5/9/2008
Bar codes - Casey; 4/28/2008
Binding Precedent - Casey; 10/10/2011
Body parts injured -
Casey; 11/26/2008
Bulk filing documents - Casey; 2/12/2009
Calendar date format - Casey; 9/20/2008
Calendaring a hearing - Casey; 6/8/2008
Cancel (hearing) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Case numbers, unassigned - Casey; 11/26/2008
Case opening - Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 11/30/2010
Case Participants - Casey; 6/8/2008
Central Registration Unit (CRU) - Casey; 8/22/2008; Casey; 9/20/2008
Citable Case - Casey; 10/10/2011
Client, defined -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Coldiron v. Compuware (2002) 67 CCC 289, 67 CCC 1466  - Casey; 7/9/2009
Companion case - Casey; 6/8/2008
Complete (hearing) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Comprehensive filing - Norton; 6/9/2008
Compromise and Release - Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 5/9/2008; Norton; 6/9/2008; Casey; 9/20/2008; Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
Consolidated case -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Continue (hearing) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Cover sheets - Casey; 4/28/2008
Declaration of Readiness to Proceed - Casey; 4/28/2008; Norton; 6/9/2008; Casey; 3/22/2011
Definitions - Casey; 6/8/2008
Casey; 5/9/2008
DEU Rating - Casey; 1/10/2010
Discovery - Casey; 4/21/2011; Casey; 7/8/2011
Documents, preparing for submission - Casey; 6/1/2009
DOR for a Rating MSC - Casey; 1/10/2010
DWC 1 form - Casey; 10/20/2010
DWC forum - Casey; 10/20/2010
DWC regs -
Casey; 9/20/2008
DWC rulemaking - Casey; 10/20/2010
DWC training session -
Casey; 8/8/2008
EAMS case number - Casey; 9/20/2008
EAMS cover sheet - Casey; 7/9/2008; Casey; 9/20/2008
EAMS FAQs - Casey; 8/24/2010
EAMS forms - Casey; 8/24/2010
EAMS instruction video -
Casey; 8/24/2010
EAMS separator sheet -
Casey; 7/9/2008; Casey; 11/26/2008
EAMS terminology - Casey; 6/8/2008
E-file documents - Casey; 2/12/2009
E-forms - Casey; 7/9/2008; Casey; 8/8/2008
Email addresses - Casey; 5/27/2010
Emergency stay - Casey; 5/27/2010
Employer, defined -
Casey; 6/8/2008
En Bancs - Casey; 10/10/2011
Equal justice under the law -
Norton; 5/20/2008
Errors by users - Casey; 9/20/2008
Evidence - Casey; 9/27/2010; Casey; 9/22/2011
Ex parte communications -
Casey; 7/30/2010
Exhibits - Casey; 9/22/2011
Face to Face Time - Casey; 7/8/2011
Home, defined -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Identification of parties and their clients - Casey; 7/9/2009
Injured worker with two new injuries - Casey; 11/26/2008
Judge shopping - Casey; 11/30/2010
Injury AOE/COE -
Norton; 9/5/2008
Legacy case number lookup tool - Casey; 6/1/2009; Casey; 9/20/2008
Legacy forms - Casey; 9/20/2008
Legacy system - Casey; 6/8/2008
Lien claimants - Casey; 7/9/2009; Norton; 9/5/2008; Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 3/22/2011; Casey; 8/25/2011
Linked case - Casey; 6/8/2008
Mandatory Settlement Conference - Casey; 5/9/2008; Norton; 6/9/2008; Norton; 9/5/2008
Master case - Casey; 6/8/2008
Medical Legal Report - Casey; 7/8/2011
Medical provider network -
Norton; 9/5/2008
Medical Reports - Casey; 9/22/2011
Medical Specialty Codes -
Casey; 11/9/2009
Navigation - Casey; 6/8/2008
Notice comments - Casey; 6/8/2008
Notice of discrepancy form - Casey; 8/4/2009; Casey; 8/24/2010; Casey;10/20/2010
OCR forms - Casey; 2/12/2009; Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 7/9/2008; Casey; 8/8/2008; Casey; 9/20/2008; Casey; 11/26/2008; Casey; 8/24/2010
Order taken off calendar (OTOC) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Panel Decisions - Casey; 10/10/2011
Panel QME -
Casey; 11/9/2009; Casey; 5/27/2010; Casey; 8/24/2010; Casey; 1/4/2012
Participant - Casey; 6/8/2008
Permanent Disability - Casey; 9/22/2011; Casey; 10/10/2011; Casey; 6/12/2012
Person, defined -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Petition for Attorney's Fees for Representation of the Applicant at a Deposition - Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
Petition for Attorney's Fees for Representation of the Applicant in Vocational Rehabilitation - Casey; 11/30/2010
Petition for Attorney's Fees for Representation of the Applicant in Vocational Rehabilitation - Casey; 11/30/2010
Petition for Dismissal - Casey; 11/30/2010
Petition for Removal - Casey; 4/21/2011
Petition for Review - Casey; 10/10/2011
Petition for Sanctions - Casey; 11/30/2010
Petition for Writ of Review - Casey; 10/10/2011
Petitions for Reconsideration -
Casey; 6/24/2010; Casey; 1/25/2011
Petitions to Compel Attendance at a Medical Examination or Deposition - Casey; 6/12/2012
Physician reports -
Norton; 6/9/2008
Post-termination - Norton; 9/5/2008
Precedent - Casey; 10/10/2011
Primary, defined -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Priority hearings -
Norton; 9/5/2008
Privacy - Casey; 9/13/2009
Proof of Service - Casey; 1/25/2011 
Public Search engine -
Casey; 6/1/2009
QME process - Casey; 11/9/2009; Casey; 7/8/2011
Registered EAMS Users - Casey; 6/1/2009
Request for Consultatve Rating - Casey; 1/10/2010
Request for Summary Rating - QME (DEU 101) or Treating Physician (DEU 102) - Casey; 1/10/2010
Reschedule (hearing) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Return to work - Casey; 3/23/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
RU-122 form - Casey; 9/20/2008
Rules and customs, impact of automation on - Norton; 10/15/2008
Sanctions - Casey; 4/21/2011
Scanning - Casey; 5/9/2008
Sealed documents - Casey; 9/13/2009
Selective filing -
Norton; 6/9/2008
Service - Casey; 1/25/2011; Casey; 1/4/2012
Settlements - Norton; 6/9/2008; Casey; 6/12/2012
Significant Panel Decisions - Casey; 4/21/2011; Casey; 10/10/2011
Staff training on EAMs - Casey; 5/30/2008
Status (employer) - Casey; 6/8/2008
Status (person) -
Casey; 6/8/2008
Status conferences - Norton; 9/5/2008
Stipulations - Casey; 3/23/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
Terminology - Casey; 6/8/2008
TPAs -
Casey; 7/9/2009
Trial dates - Casey; 4/28/2008
Trial Record - Casey; 4/21/2011
Turlock, City of v. WCAB - Casey; 9/13/2009
UAN - Casey; 1/10/2010
Uniform Assigned Names Database - Casey; 6/1/2009
Uniform names, claims administrators and representatives - Casey; 8/22/2008
Unprocessed Documents Queue (UDQ) - Casey; 1/10/2010
User funding - Norton; 5/20/2008; Norton; 6/9/2008
Venue - Casey; 4/30/2010
; Casey; 11/30/2010
Verification - Casey; 3/22/2011
VOC unit -
Casey; 9/20/2008
Walk-through - Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
WCAB regs - Casey; 9/20/2008
Work Restrictions - Casey; 6/12/2012

Table of Statutes & Regulations

California Constitution
Art VI, § 14 -
Casey; 10/10/2011

California Codes
Civil Code 7 -
Casey; 8/4/2009
Civil Code 9 - Casey; 8/4/2009
Code of Civ. Proc. 1013(a) - Casey; 8/4/2009; Casey; 1/25/2011; Casey; 1/4/2012
Government Code 11425.60(b) - Casey; 10/10/2011
Labor Code 3600(a)(10) -
Norton; 9/5/2008
Labor Code 4062.2(b) - Casey; 1/4/2012
Labor Code 4062.3 -
Casey; 7/30/2010; Casey; 7/8/2011
Labor Code 4062.3(e) - Casey; 7/30/2010
Labor Code 4062.3(f) -
Casey; 7/30/2010
Labor Code 4062.3(g) - Casey; 7/30/2010
Labor Code 4065 -
Norton; 10/15/2008
Labor Code 4628 - Casey; 9/22/2011; Casey; 10/10/2011; Casey; 6/12/2012
Labor Code 4658 -
Casey; 3/23/2010
Labor Code 4658(d)(3)(A) - Casey; 6/12/2012
Labor Code 4903(b) - Casey; 3/22/2011
Labor Code 4903.5(c) - Casey; 3/22/2011
Labor Code 4903.6(b) - Casey; 3/22/2011
Labor Code 4904(a) - Casey; 3/22/2011
Labor Code 5307 - Casey; 5/9/2008
Labor Code 5500.3 - Norton; 5/20/2008
Labor Code 5500.5(b) - Norton; 10/15/2008
Labor Code 5501.5 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
Labor Code 5501.6 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Labor Code 5502(e)(3) - Norton; 6/9/2008; Norton; 9/5/2008
Labor Code 5701 - Casey; 7/30/2010; Casey; 7/8/2011
Labor Code 5703.5 - Casey; 7/30/2010
Labor Code 5813 -
Casey; 7/9/2009Casey; 6/24/2010; Casey; 4/21/2011
Labor Code 5956 - Casey; 10/10/2011

Calif. Code of Regulations
8 CCR 31.1(c) -
Casey; 11/9/2009
8 CCR 31.5 - Casey; 11/9/2009Casey; 8/24/2010
8 CCR 31.7 - Casey; 11/9/2009; Casey; 8/24/2010
8 CCR 35(g) - Casey; 7/30/2010
8 CCR 35(k) - Casey; 7/30/2010
8 CCR 41 - Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 49 - Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 49.2 - Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 49.9 - Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 151 -
Casey; 11/9/2009
8 CCR 10117 - Casey; 3/23/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10178- Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 10210 -
Casey; 9/20/2008
8 CCR 10210 -10296 - Casey; 5/9/2008
8 CCR 10210(f) - Casey; 8/22/2008
8 CCR 10210(y) - Casey; 3/22/2011; Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10210(ii) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10210(jj) -
Casey; 4/30/2010
8 CCR 10211 - Casey; 7/9/2009
8 CCR 10213- Casey; 7/8/2011
8 CCR 10217(b) -
Casey; 8/22/2008
8 CCR 10217(b)(2)(A) - Casey; 8/22/2008
8 CCR 10218 - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10222 -
Casey; 8/24/2010; Casey;10/20/2010
8 CCR 10222(a) - Casey; 8/4/2009
8 CCR 10222(a)(2) - Casey; 10/20/2010
8 CCR 10223 - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10228 -
Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10229(b) - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10232 - Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 7/9/2008; Casey; 9/20/2008Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10232(a)(9) - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10232(a)(10) - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10233 -
Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10235(a)(6) - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10236 - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10236(b) - Casey; 9/27/2010
8 CCR 10272 -
Casey; 9/13/2009
8 CCR 10280 - Casey; 4/28/2008; Casey; 1/10/2010; Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(a) - Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10280(c) - Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10280(d)(1) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(d)(1)(a) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(e) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(g) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(h) - Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10280(i) - Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10281 -
Casey; 5/27/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10297 - Casey; 9/20/2008
8 CCR 10301-10953 -
Casey; 5/9/2008
8 CCR 10301-10957 - Casey; 9/20/2008
8 CCR 10310(gg) -  Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10341 - Casey; 10/10/2011
8 CCR 10349 - Casey; 11/30/2010; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10392 -
Casey; 4/28/2008
8 CCR 10397 - Casey; 8/4/2009
8 CCR 10397(b) - Casey; 8/4/2009; Casey;10/20/2010
8 CCR 10409 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10410 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10411 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10412 - Casey; 4/30/2010; Casey; 11/30/2010
8 CCR 10500 - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10505 - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10505(b) - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10505(g) - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10507 - Casey; 1/25/2011; Casey; 1/4/2012
8 CCR 10507(a) - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10508 - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10510 - Casey; 1/25/2011
8 CCR 10550 -
Casey; 7/9/2009
8 CCR 10555 - Norton; 9/5/2008
8 CCR 10560 - Norton; 10/15/2008
8 CCR 10560-10563 -
Norton; 9/5/2008
8 CCR 10561 - Casey; 6/24/2010; Casey; 4/21/2011
8 CCR 10562(a) -
Norton; 9/5/2008
8 CCR 10562(b) - Norton; 9/5/2008
8 CCR 10563 - Norton; 9/5/2008
8 CCR 10582.5 - Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10606 - Norton; 6/9/2008; Casey; 6/12/2012
8 CCR 10606(b) - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10622 - Norton; 6/9/2008
8 CCR 10629 - Casey; 9/22/2011
8 CCR 10629(d) -
Casey; 9/27/2010
8 CCR 10629(e) - Casey; 9/27/2010
8 CCR 10718 -
Casey; 7/30/2010
8 CCR 10770 - Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10770(c)(1) - Casey; 3/22/2011
8 CCR 10770.1 - Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10770.5 - Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10770.5(a) - Casey; 3/22/2011
8 CCR 10770.5(b) - Casey; 3/22/2011
8 CCR 10770.6 - Casey; 3/22/2011; Casey; 8/25/2011
8 CCR 10842 - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10842(b) - Casey; 6/24/2010; Casey; 9/27/2010
8 CCR 10842(c) - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10848 - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10852 - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10856 - Casey; 6/24/2010
8 CCR 10890 -
Casey; 4/28/2008

Calif. Rules of Court
Rule 2.550(c) -
Casey; 9/13/2009
Rule 2.550(d) - Casey; 9/13/2009
Rule 8.1105(d) - Casey; 10/10/2011
Rule 8.1115(a) -
Casey; 9/13/2009; Casey; 10/10/2011
Rule 8.1115(b) - Casey; 10/10/2011
Rule 8.1115(d) - Casey; 10/10/2011
Rule 8.512(b) -
Casey; 9/22/2011
Rule 9.7 -
Casey; 5/27/2010

Rules of Professional Conduct
Rule 5-200(A) - 
Casey; 6/24/2010
Rule 5-200(B) - Casey; 6/24/2010

             These blogs have been approved by the California Division of Workers' Compensation.