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Ted Cruz Slow-Walks His Canuck Expat Paperwork

January 07, 2014 (1 min read)

"U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz vowed months ago to renounce his Canadian citizenship.  It’s now 2014, and the Calgary-born Republican lawmaker is still a dual citizen.  That’s confounding Canadian immigration lawyers.  Renouncing Canadian citizenship, they say, is a simple, quick and straightforward process — there’s even an online, four-page PDF form on the Government of Canada website to get the ball rolling without the help of lawyers.  “Unless there’s a security issue that hasn’t been disclosed, unless there’s a mental health issue that hasn’t been disclosed, there’s no reason for anything other than a lickety-split process to occur,” Richard Kurland, a Vancouver-based immigration attorney, said in an interview Friday." - Globe and Mail, Jan. 3, 2014.