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Supreme Court Immigration Case Could Be Bad For Business

April 30, 2019 (1 min read)

Stuart Anderson, Forbes, Apr. 29, 2019

"The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear a case (Kansas v. Garcia) that legal analysts warn may empower state and local prosecutors with political ambitions to go after businesses on immigration grounds. A decision in favor of Kansas may open the floodgates to legal actions against restaurants, landscapers, factories and construction firms, putting businesses at great risk even if under federal law they did not knowingly hire someone without work authorization.

Would a decision in favor of Kansas make it easier for zealous prosecutors to investigate the hiring of unauthorized immigrants at Trump properties or any other business more associated with either political party? To better understand the case and its implications, I interviewed Paul W. Hughes, a partner in Mayer Brown’s Supreme Court & Appellate practice in Washington, D.C. ... "