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San Francisco Rejects ICE Jail Holds

September 26, 2013 (1 min read)

"Supervisors here have approved a policy under which local law enforcement would deny requests by immigration authorities to hold arrestees for potential deportation in all but a handful of instances. ... San Francisco’s ordinance, which requires a second vote next week but is expected to sail through, initially called for zero cooperation with immigration authorities on requested holds, but was amended Tuesday to allow for holds in limited cases.  The adopted version -- supported by the mayor, sheriff, district attorney and police chief -- permits law enforcement to “consider” honoring a hold only if the subject has over the last seven years been convicted of a violent felony, human trafficking, felony assault with a deadly weapon or the use of a gun in the commission of felony, and is currently charged with one of those crimes.  Even in those instances, local law enforcement will have to take into account evidence of rehabilitation, the existence of U.S.-born children and other factors that could be mitigating." - L.A. Times, Sept. 25, 2013.
