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Podcast: Dan Kowalski Interviews Bernard Wolfsdorf on President Obama’s Speech at American University on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

July 03, 2010 (1 min read)
On July 1, 2010 President Barack Obama gave a major speech at American University, calling for comprehensive immigration reform.

The White House followed up immediately with a media roundtable.

Advocacy groups such as the National Immigration Law Center and the National Council of La Raza praised the speech but cautioned that much more needed to be done by Congress.

Columnists such as Edward Schumacher Matos were less impressed, and Republican Senator John Cornyn "shrugged it off as just another speech."

Daniel M. Kowalski, Editor of Bender's Immigration Bulletin (published by LexisNexis Matthew Bender,) recorded this podcast with the immediate past president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Bernard Wolfsdorf.
Click below to listen to the podcast.