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Notarios Victimize Immigrants Over New Policy

October 01, 2011 (1 min read)

"The Obama administration said in the Aug. 18 announcement that it is creating an “interagency working group” to review the more than 300,000 immigrant files in deportation proceedings. It is unclear, however, who will be assigned to this working group and when or how it will announce its verdicts.   And while no changes appear to be occurring in reality, fake immigration attorneys called “notarios” are using the August announcement (and publicity) to defraud vulnerable immigrants.  These “notarios” lie to immigrants, telling them that the president has implemented an amnesty and that for a $5,000 to $10,000 cash payment, they can “become legal” in the U.S. And many immigrants fall for it hook, line and sinker."  Andrea Comfort Martinez in the Kansas City Star, Sept. 30, 2011.