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MPI Launches New Series Examining Migration Trends, Policies in Central America, Mexico & U.S.

March 28, 2013 (1 min read)

"The relationship between the United States, Mexico and Central America is shaped and defined in key ways by issues of migration.  Thus, understanding migration and the deeper trends that fuel it is important to a more complete view of this increasingly interconnected region.  In a new, month-long special series, the Migration Policy Institute’s online journal, the Migration Information Source, is examining the migration histories of Mexico, the United States and the Northern Triangle region of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras).  The special series, Regional Migration Perspectives: Trends, Patterns, and Policies in Central America, Mexico, and the U.S., is comprised of eight articles written by leading experts in the migration field.  The articles cover the following topics: Country migration profiles of the United States, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras; the role of the diaspora in El Salvador; health outcomes for Mexican immigrant women in the United States; and characteristics of Mexican and Central American immigrants in the United States." - MPI, March 2013.
