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Mandatory E-Verify Goes Live in 4 States on Jan. 1, 2013

October 25, 2012 (1 min read)

"Georgia: Though many larger employers in the state have already been subject to the new law, smaller, private employers in the state of Georgia with 11-99 employees must E-Verify all new hires on or before July 1, 2013.  Private employers with 10 or fewer employees are exempt from this law.  This marks the final phase for employers to enroll and use E-Verify as part of Georgia’s Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (House Bill 87).

North Carolina: On January 1, 2013, private employers with 100 or more employees (but fewer than 500 employees) must use E-Verify for all new hires pursuant to Session Law 2011-263 (House Bill 36).

Pennsylvania: In early July, we were the first to report in detail Governor Corbett’s signing of Senate Bill 637 mandating all public works state contractors (and subcontractors) enroll and use E-Verify for new hires.  [It was exciting as I had contacted the Governor’s office directly to get the details.]  Act No. 127 becomes effective January 1, 2013 for all state public works contractors and subcontractors with state public works contracts worth $25,000 or more.

Tennessee: Tennessee’s Public Chapter No. 436 law, which mandated employers use E-Verify as early as January 1, 2012, enters its final phase of application beginning January 1, 2013.  All private employers with 6 to 199 employees must enroll and begin using E-Verify to verify its new hires no later than the January 1, 2013."

- Ann Cun, Oct. 25, 2012.

