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LGBTQ+ Migrants Fleeing Abuse Find More in US Custody: Report

June 28, 2024 (1 min read)

Dan Gooding, Newsweek, June 28, 2024

"LGBTQ+ migrants fleeing persecution have reported being subjected to physical and verbal abuse while in U.S. custody, with some being driven to self-harm, left with hives or experiencing panic attacks.  A new report from a coalition of immigration and human rights groups focused on a group of LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive migrants who detailed abuse at the hands of Customs and Border Protection and ICE staff, as well as fellow inmates.  Of the 41 surveyed, a third reported sexual abuse, physical assaults or harassment while they were being held. Many said they were trying to get away from such attacks in their home countries.  "I want this report to help people understand the hidden reality of immigration detention centers," Ariel Urrutia, a gay man living with HIV detained at four different detention centers over the course of a year, said in a press release."