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Law Prof Bullish on Executive Action

February 21, 2015 (1 min read)

"Law professor Virgil Wiebe is bullish: This week's court ruling that halted some of President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration will be overturned, he says.  “The reason why there's a lot of confidence that the ruling will be overturned is that, for better or worse, courts and Congress have long said, in essence, the president can do whatever he damn well pleases when it comes to immigration law enforcement,” Wiebe says.  That's good news for his clients.  Wiebe is a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, where he runs an immigration law clinic that provides services free of cost.  He works with local churches to reach out to potential applicants for temporary relief from deportation, help them understand the program and avoid scams." - Angilee Shah, PRI's The World, Feb. 20, 2015.
