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Keeping Tabs on a Non-Citizen's Eligibility for Health Coverage Under the ACA - Cyrus D. Mehta

June 29, 2015 (1 min read)

"President Obama’s healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is here to stay especially after the law withstood a challenge in King v. Burwell that allows the federal government to provide subsidies to poor and middle class people to buy health insurance on a nationwide basis.  Even non-citizens who are lawfully present may access the health exchange to buy insurance under the ACA.  Many non-citizens will also be subject to the individual mandate or “individual shared responsibility provision” if they do not maintain essential health coverage.  It is thus important to keep track of a non-citizen’s eligibility as well as when such an individual may be penalized on his or her next tax return for not maintaining essential coverage, which has been explained in Who is Lawfully Present Under the Affordable Care Act?" - Cyrus D. Mehta, June 27, 2015.

See also: ACA: Fact Sheets & Advocacy Materials by NILC
