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Judge Orders Brewer to Release Documents in AZ DREAMer License Lawsuit (link added)

January 16, 2014 (1 min read)

"Rejecting claims of privilege, a federal judge on Wednesday ordered Gov. Jan Brewer to turn over internal documents and memos leading up to her decision to deny driver's licenses to “dreamers.”  Judge David Campbell ruled that the documents are “highly relevant” to the claim by civil rights groups that there were discriminatory motives behind her 2012 executive order.  Those documents could help these groups prove that case.  “The government is a party to this case and its intent in crafting the policy is a primary issue,” the judge wrote.  Campbell also rebuffed claims by Brewer's lawyers that having to surrender those internal documents would hinder the ability of the governor and her staff to have “frank and independent” discussions.  “Arizona has a policy in favor of full and open disclosure, as evidence by Arizona's open meetings law,” he said.  Campbell noted that Arizona courts have never recognized a claim of “deliberative process” under state laws.  “Arizona state government officials, therefore, should reasonably expect that their deliberations in crafting the policy are open to public scrutiny,” Campbell wrote." - CMS, Jan. 15, 2014.