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How Immigration Reform Could Boost Our National Defense

March 22, 2014 (1 min read)

"Encouraging bright minds to stay in the United States after graduation, grow businesses and create jobs is critical to secure our country’s position as a high-tech hub and global leader in innovation.  It’s also important to our national security.  Recently, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposed military spending cuts that would reduce the size of the U.S. Army to pre-World War II levels, while investing in new technologies, saying, “We must maintain our technological edge over potential adversaries.”  Many of the tools we need to keep our country safe are born of the minds of tech innovators.  But political leaders appear to have given little thought to the national security ramifications of inaction on this issue.  It’s time for our politicians to drop their protectionist rhetoric and allow those who come to the United States to study and earn graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields to stay, grow businesses and create." - Gary Shapiro, Mar. 21, 2014.
