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Green Card Backlogs, Anti-Immigrant Mood in USA Triggers Brain Drain

September 26, 2017 (1 min read)

Suzanne Sataline, Foreign Policy, Sept. 22, 2017 - "Changes in the U.S. skilled visa scheme could trigger large economic and intellectual losses, especially in states with many South Asian residents such as California and New Jersey. Some foreign nationals there wonder if Trump’s policies will trigger an Indian brain drain.

Since Trump’s election, the number of Indian-born residents in the United States searching for jobs back in India has climbed more than tenfold, consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu found. Six hundred people were searching in December, and the number spiked in March to 7,000. Four out of 10U.S. colleges say they’ve seen a sharp drop in international applicants for the fall term, especially among applicants from India and China, the top sources for international students. Nearly 167,000 Indians studied at American colleges in the 2015-2016 school year.

Some graduates from Indian colleges have considered setting out for Canada, which is wooing tech workers, or heading to Europe."