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Florida H-2B Workers Seek DOL Intervention After Receiving $00.00 Paychecks

September 28, 2013 (1 min read)

"In the annals of degrading, infuriating labor practices, this one may take a prize: Meet the cleaning workers who received … zero-dollar paychecks.  Now, defying alleged deportation threats and protesting those empty paychecks, a handful of striking guest workers from Jamaica are demanding accountability from the boss who hired them, the companies whose buildings they were cleaning, and the Florida politicians like Marco Rubio who took those companies’ cash. ... Photos provided to Salon by the National Guestworker Alliance, the group behind the work stoppage, show checks reading “No Dollars and No Cents,” and a page dated June 25 warning guest workers on H-2B visas that, “Any worker who does not show up for your assignment will be immediately removed from Mister Clean Housing and will be reported as AWOL (Absent Without Leave) to ICE (Immigration Custom Enforcement).”  The statement, which was in all-caps, continued, “You will then be escorted to pick up your plane ticket and go back to Jamaica.  You will have an ICE and Okaloosa County Sheriff Department Escort.”  Workers say that warning arrived stapled to their checks." - Salon, Sept. 27, 2013.