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Fewer Deportation Cases Based on Convictions Filed

October 16, 2013 (1 min read)

"Of all filings in the Immigration Courts seeking to deport noncitizens during fiscal year 2013, only one in seven (14.4 percent) have been based on alleged criminal activity. This proportion is roughly half what it was twenty years ago, when 28.5 percent -- more than a quarter -- of removal filings were based on criminal activity.

Since FY 2003, the proportion based on criminal charges has held mostly steady at about 16 percent, aside from a dip in 2005-2006. But this proportion has been inching lower for the past three years.

These trends are based upon case-by-case court records through August 2013 obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.

To view annual trends as well as the composition of immigration court charges during FY 2013, see latest TRAC snapshot report at:

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