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Expert: Tighter H-1B Rule "Flunks Economics 101" (Law360)

September 04, 2020 (1 min read)

Suzanne Monyack, Law360, Sept. 4, 2020 [Subscription required for full article.]

"The Trump administration has advanced a policy to tighten criteria for H-1B specialty occupation visas, paving the way for the new rules to take effect soon without public feedback. ... Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law professor at Cornell University Law School, also predicted that the H-1B visa changes would draw lawsuits, saying that the administration's purported goal to protect American workers with visa restrictions is undermined by the business sector's contention that specialized foreign workers boost the U.S. economy.  "The new rule may score points with the president's political base, but it flunks Economics 101," Yale-Loehr said in a statement Friday."