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Expert: Texas Lawsuits Stymie Biden's Immigration Agenda

December 02, 2022 (1 min read)

Allie Morris, Dallas Morning News, Dec. 2, 2022

"Fresh off securing a third term, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton plans to keep up his relentless legal assault on President Joe Biden’s agenda that’s already hindered the Democrat’s approach to immigration and health care. In Texas, judges have ruled in Paxton’s favor to block federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates at Head Start Programs, pause LGBT anti-discrimination protections and halt guidelines around whom to deport. Their orders often put Biden’s policies on hold while the cases are litigated, and those delays can tie up the Democrat’s agenda for months…. Paxton’s lawsuits have had some of the biggest impact on immigration rules.  “For the time being, it seems like Paxton is as important as the (federal government) in deciding what immigration policy is implemented these days,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School. ...“Every lawsuit seems to end up in a temporary injunction prohibiting the Biden administration from changing immigration policy,” Yale-Loehr said."