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Expert: Lawsuit Challenging Hanen Injunction Faces 'Uphill Battle' - Law360

August 29, 2016 (1 min read)

Allissa Wickham, Law360, Aug. 25, 2016- "A new suit in New York federal court hoping to narrow the scope of the block against President Barack Obama’s immigration actions is being called “novel” and “creative” by experts, but they say the case may face a tough road ahead since federal judges don’t often buck each other’s injunctions. ... Stephen Yale-Loehr, an attorney at Miller Mayer LLP and professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School, voiced similar sentiments, saying that the plaintiff in this case “faces an uphill battle.” “It is rare for a court to restrict the scope of an injunction issued by another court,” Yale-Loehr told Law360, adding that the New York case probably won’t be finished when Obama leaves the White House next year, meaning the case is “unlikely to benefit anyone in the near future.”"

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