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Expert: ICE Actions Frustrate Sanctuary Jurisdictions

December 08, 2020 (1 min read)

Katie Mettler and Rachel Chason, Washington Post, Dec. 7, 2020

"A Maryland immigrant hoped to delay his deportation until Biden took office. It didn’t work. ... “Edgar has been in this county 20 years, has three American-born children, who now don’t know where their father is,” said Bradford Brown, a family friend who has helped draw attention to Diaz-Palma’s story. “I know this is tearing these kids apart. For what?” Brown said he prayed that they would be able to slow his friend’s case down until Biden took office. But time ran out. On Dec. 1, Diaz-Palma was deported. ... Unilateral actions by ICE grew increasingly common under the Trump administration, but vary by regional office, said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School. He said those moves are legal but go against the spirit of laws passed in sanctuary jurisdictions such as Prince George’s, which explicitly barred county agencies from engaging in immigration enforcement."